MICHELLE: Where to start? You are my sister, my best friend, my partner in crime, and sometimes my therapist. I really don't know where I would be without you helping me along the way. I love you sista!MOM: You are the greatest mom that I could have asked for eventhough we do have our moments, but what would life be like without these moments that we do learn from. I appreciate all that you do for me...I love you mom!TURTLE: You are the love of my life and nobody else can fill your space in my life. I am so happy that you came into my life when you did. You showed me what love was supposed to feel like. I never thought that I could be loved the way that you love me. You have completed my life long journey of looking for that special someone! All I can say is--Baby thank you for loving me the way that you do!--I LOVE YOU WITH ALL MY HEART!
.. - Get Your Own
I would have to say that my heros in my life would be my Grandma Wylma and Grandpa Gene. They have taught me alot that I need to know in this world. They have been through it all. I mean having 12 children in 11 years would have to win the prize! I love them with all my heart and soul.I would have to say that these two wonderful people in my life are also my heros! I really could not make it in this world if it would not be for these two. My mom and My son the joys of my life! I love you both with all of my heart!