Video games - Tony Hawk Rules! SSX is highly addictive! XBOX is the way to go.
Texas Hold 'Em Money is good!
The ocean/beach
Harry Potter
Check out my friend Chris's Gift Basket Website She started her own business and its really cool! If you need a gift and are looking to purchase online, please come here first!
Christopher Walken- He's COOL!
This song got stuck in my head for 3 days- now I will torture you! Muhahahaha
Planner is my favorite movie of all time!
Watch My Big Fat Greek Wedding
to get a taste of my life (but Mexican).
Cinderella Man was
excellent, even though it starred Russell Crowe.
All of the Harry Potter movies (..4 was the best
Comedies, dramas, documentaries... basically anything BUT horror!
I love M*A*S*H (Have seasons
show I watch EVERY WEEK- Highly Addictive!
This is my South Park Character- there weren't a whole lot of girl options, so I just had fun with it- check it out :)
Anything Dean Koontz or Jennifer Weiner.
Oh yeah... in case I didn't mention... Harry Potter.
My Husband
My Parents (Mike and Becky Rathbone)
Superman (ok, I just thought I'd throw that one in )