surfing in Malibu with dan the douche...even though i only did it was still awesome.
god...just want to know if hes real...because if hes can tell everyone....but if he is...i can tell everyone.
i am not writting a long list of bands i am into...because it takes to long..and half the time people put bands in there profiles that they dont listen too...for what reason...well i am sure its motivated by something who the fuck knows though...who the fuck cares..just wanted to point out the obvoius.
are awesome...i love them...
is awesome. especailly 24, and entourage.
i should read one, soon...serouisly this has been the same for like a year or more. theres def. a million spelling errors all over this thing..because...i dont read enough or any books for that matter...i cant even spell def. so thats why i put the period there...oh yeh and no punctuation either...basically what i am saying is i am coming up with my own language because this one hasnt been working out so well....yes....i have been called a retard...thats not nice...but......i guess i should have studied harder....but....honestly whatever i am pretty long as the idea gets across who needs anything else...i would rather spend my time on something else anyway like writing about how i cant spell or use puntuation...this is the part where i say fuck you to my grammer teacher...but....not gonna do that because its my fault.
some kids i went to high school with..actaully alot of kids i went to high school with...