NUMBER ONE ASSHOLE profile picture


i was told i need to come with a warning label.... p.s.... im going skydiving!!!

About Me

so heres how it is... im a shady person. i am sweet as pie when i want to be, but really im just insecure. maybe someday i will change that for myself.. until then im just kind of exsisting in a world with me and my faults...

My Interests


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What Character on the LWord are you?
You are Shane. Everyone wants you, boys, girls, even household plants. You light up a room and make everyone wish they could be next to you.
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You Are 40% Girly
You are a pretty hardcore tomboy, and a very free spirit.
Gender roles be dammed, you like to do things your way. How Girly Are You?
You're an Expert Kisser
You're a kissing pro, but it's all about quality and not quantity
You've perfected your kissing technique and can knock anyone's socks off
And you're adaptable, giving each partner what they crave
When it comes down to it, your kisses are truly unforgettable What Kind of Kisser Are You?
The Keys to Your Heart
You are attracted to good manners and elegance.

In love, you feel the most alive when your lover is creative and never lets you feel bored.

You'd like to your lover to think you are stylish and alluring.

You would be forced to break up with someone who was ruthless, cold-blooded, and sarcastic.

Your ideal relationship is lasting. You want a relationship that looks to the future... one you can grow with.

Your risk of cheating is high. You can't resist desire and lust.

You think of marriage as something precious. You'll treasure marriage and treat it as sacred.

In this moment, you think of love as something you thirst for. You'll do anything for love, but you won't fall for it easily. What Are The Keys To Your Heart?
How You Are In Love
You fall in love quickly and easily. And very often.

You tend to give more than take in relationships.

You need your space and privacy. You don't like to be smothered.

You love your partner unconditionally and don't try to make them change.

You stay in love for a long time, even if you aren't loved back. When you fall, you fall hard. How Are You In Love?
The PJ's You Are Most Like: Underwear
You enjoy the simple things in life and aren't hard to please
You have an understated, easy sexyness that men love
And you're confident enough to pull it off - without being overbearing What Kind of PJ's Are You?
Your Eyes Should Be Violet
Your eyes reflect: Mystery and allure

What's hidden behind your eyes: A quiet passion What Color Should Your Eyes Be?Take the quiz:
How long can u last in bed???

Over 60 minutes
Damn...u really know how to work it and keep the heat up for a long time. U prolly experiment and tease a lot. Your partner thinks you're a kinky bitch and loves doing it with u. U keep it coming and know how to make it fun. You really know how to pull an all-nighter and make it extra special. You get the caressing, teasing, and experimenting in all in night. It makes u even more irresistible and the sex even more intimate.

Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!

Your ..1 Match: ENTP

The VisionaryYou are charming, outgoing, friendly. You make a good first impression. You possess good negotiating skills and can convince anyone of anything. Happy to be the center of attention, you love to tell stories and show off. You're very clever, but not disciplined enough to do well in structured environments.You would make a great entrpreneur, marketing executive, or actor.

Your ..2 Match: ENFP

The InspirerYou love being around people, and you are deeply committed to your friends. You are also unconventional, irreverant, and unimpressed by authority and rules. Incredibly perceptive, you can usually sense if someone has hidden motives. You use lots of colorful language and expressions. You're qutie the storyteller!You would make an excellent entrepreneur, politician, or journalist.

Your ..3 Match: ESTP

The DoerYou are adventurous and risk taking. You act first, think second. You love being the center of attention. Chances are you were the class clown. Competitive, charming, and charasmatic - you have your own code of honor. You live a flexible life, bouncing between a series of activies that interest you.You would make a great salesperson, marketing director, or entrepreneur. What's Your Personality Type?
Your Birthdate: February 5
You have many talents, and you are great at sharing those talents with others.
Most people would be jealous of your clever intellect, but you're just too likeable to elicit jealousy.
Progressive and original, you're usually thinking up cutting edge ideas.
Quick witted and fast thinking, you have difficulty finding new challenges.

Your strength: Your superhuman brainpower

Your weakness: Your susceptibility to boredom

Your power color: Tangerine

Your power symbol: Ace

Your power month: May What Does Your Birth Date Mean?
Your Element is Wood
Your power colors: green and brown

Your energy: generative

Your season: spring

Like a tree, you are always growing and changing.
And while your life is dynamic, you are firmly grounded.
You have high morals and great confidence in yourself and others.
You have a wide set of interests, and you make for intersting company. What Element Are You?
You Are 40% Weird
Normal enough to know that you're weird...
But too damn weird to do anything about it! How Weird Are You?