hmmm .... this is, guitar, the gym, writing,sex, voodoo, levitation, snake charming, dominoes, skydiving, snowboarding, writing my manifesto, convincing others to join my cult, talking to my imaginary friends, having tea parties, panty sniffing, working on my hermetically sealed bomb shelter, practicing foreign accents, learning dead languages, auto-erotic asphixiation, playing w my vast care bear and my little pony collection, watching jem and the holigrams reruns, writing scripts for puppet shows,dressing up like a bunny, and darts. AND most importantly satisfing the money god.DANCE! DANCE! DANCE!!
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I'd like to meet:
nobody comes to mind.i recently had my heart torn up, and since i am far too cynical for the love at first sight, i guess i will be happy to just be able to stay home and relax. it seems that i do better alone anyway, and im tired of getting hurt.
whats ur fav drug?
ur mom
clean clothes smell
rubber nipples
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too much to list.But I'll try....Zero 7, blockhead, portishead, radiohead, future sound of london, drum n bass, jane's addiction, tool, soo much hip-hop mostly old school tho..., thievery corp., rabbit in the moon, bjork, aphex twin,
bill laswell, beastie boys, charlie parker, miles davis, john coltrane, lilly allen, delerium, dj shadow, 80,s euro trash music, classical, drum n bass, jungle, all types of shit except country and opera.....word! I suppose it would depend on my mood, surroundings and what i am trying to accomplish....
usual suspects, oblio and the pointless forest, snatch, donnie darko, james and the giant peach, boondock saints, resevior dogs, my neighbor totoro, doomed generation, the gift, any scorcese flicks, dirty filthy love, bieng john makovitch, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, pulp fiction, foreign bondage flicks, cowboy bebop, too many others to list...
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ebop, and many many more
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The more we love, the nearer we are to hate. ---La Rochefoucauld
william s burroughs, bukowski, hemingway,dostoyevsky,aldous huxley, hunter s. thompson,too many poets to list, anything on psychology or serial killers,classic lit......i could go on forever....."lOVE NEVER DIES A NATURAL DEATH. IT DIES BECAUSE WE DON'T KNOW HOW TO REPLENISH ITS SOURCE. IT DIES OF BLINDNESS AND ERRORS AND BETRAYALS. IT DIES OF ILLNESS AND WOUNDS; IT DIES OF WEARINESS OF WITHERINGS, OF TARNISHINGS." ~ANAIS NIN~~
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