My Family. hope. Pepperdine. sarcasm. coffeemate vanilla creamer. smiles. the sun warm on my face. Laughing. PCH on a sunday morning. Fiesta Feast Nachos. spontenaity. long drives. Orange bangs. Pepperdine baseball. Dodger baseball on HDTV. UCLA Bruins Basketball. Bruins Football. John Wooden. (basically I'm obsessed with sports - there needs to be an intervention) My Savior. love. Romania. Foreign languages. reading. laughing. road trips. daydreaming. Mexico con Kelsey. Good Friends. Trying to make a difference in the world.
passionate people.
i'm all over the place but favorites include: Jose Gonzalez, Once, The Police, pretty much any Nineties Music, Explosions in the Sky, Eagle Eye Cherry, Justin Timberlake, Jars of Clay, Mixes by Kelsey, Mixes by EJ, and my friend Carolyn Miller.
rudy is my favorite movie of all time. garden state. the sandlot. lord of the rings. that thing you do. wild america. almost famous. miracle. remember the titans. Shawshank Redemption. The Great Escape. Ingmar Bergman Films- thanks EJ. little mermaid, peter pan and aladdin. Crash. V for Vendetta. My Best Friend's Wedding. Glory. Legends of the Fall.
PTI and March Madness
The Lion, the witch and the wardrobe by CS Lewis, Crime and Punishment by Tolstoy, The Great Gatesby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, Bel Canto by Ann Patchett, The Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter (Yes All Seven of them) Anne of Green Gables, and my Bible.
Jesus Christ. My brother.