Thomy profile picture


Greenish! It's the good...

About Me

A little bit insane, a little bit sporting, a little bit interested, a little bit broken everywhere, a little bit weak, a little bit in love, a little bit turned sour, the a little bit merry one, a little bit died like the raccoon, a little bit sad, a little bit considered, a little bit lost, a little bit solitary, a little bit traveller, a little bit observant, a little bit square, a little bit round (what?), a little bit surfer (yeah), a little bit on the head, a little bit upright, a little bit rapid, a little bit foreseeable, slightly assiduous (not too), a little bit dreamer, a little bit scientific, a little bit much...A little bite? (lol) and nothing at all. (Joke for frenchies inside!)
I will not leave there more, will be necessary to understand that I have any idea of what I can say on me which you interess as much as the vexations of my poor residue of neurons in fusion.
How many dwarves does it take to dig a tunnel 28m in granite in two days?
Here the response!

My Interests





Longboard & Freebord


The Sea

I'd like to meet:

Meet something or someone?

OK OK, to meet full people and landscapes but like known as an Arab proverb...

"the true voyage of discovered does not consist in seeking new landscapes but to have new eyes"

"Which saw sees much, which travel sees more"

I think it's why I'm still traveling.... :)


There are several ways of listening to music, it is necessary to know to differentiate, listen to hear and to listen to appreciate.
I did not say that I do not listen some noise! A little bit of all is necessary...
No musical line without a traditional influence. But always the sound quite rough of the rock'n'roll in the ears. There is punk one or Irish music, not of concern, my ears are at the rendez-vous!

TurboNegro, discovered these sailors of the North Sea, a large portion of be delirious come from this kind of music of damaged... to listen with maximum volume!

How not to speak about the QOTSA, become a figure impossible to circumvent currently, but remains that their old albums of Kyuss tore well the enclosures of my VAN and it is always the case! Nothing is worth good Stone Rock to trace the road!




Reverend Beatman a Swiss Artist

Music of the world, Didjeridoo style, Songs aborygenes, wind instrument, including one good part of Celtic music.


Bikini Bandits

Fight club, why? Multy-personalities always marked me, and in this one one can be made surprise in the forgery until the end. Sublime.

In a kind plus avanguardist, great classic of the 7th art, mecanic Orange, with its superb of Beethoven!

And for the fun : Return Of The Livind Dead



South Park! Fuck They killed Kenny!!


- Tolkien


Big Bunny

My Blog

Freebord session

Bon un article pas terrible, mais un article quand même... Thx for all guys! Article sur le site du 20 minA+Thomy...
Posted by Thomy on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 10:55:00 PST

Surf Trip in Eire

On the Road Again! :Yeah one more time, we're back from a nice trip in one other beautiful country! I've take some quick pictures with my cheap phone (Some other good pictures are coming). They're loo...
Posted by Thomy on Wed, 31 Jan 2007 03:21:00 PST

Monday Morning

Bonjour, Les lundis matin... pfff c'est chiant, un petit radiohead dans les oreilles le temps du trajet en train, le ptit blues du lundi matin, une petite descente en longboard et prêt pour attaquer ...
Posted by Thomy on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 02:49:00 PST

Langue rapeuse

Qu'est ce que c'est dur les dimanches matin quand un mec te sort de ton pieu alors que 14 nains vert fluo dansent encore autour... La veille fut un vrai génocide-neuroliptique, je vous fait pas de des...
Posted by Thomy on Sun, 23 Oct 2005 11:13:00 PST


HEllo! Bon je vais pas faire une romance de la soire d'hier, mais cela mrite quelques petites illustrations.... Premire prise aprs avoir copieusement mang et bu un ptit drink, on accueille la visite...
Posted by Thomy on Fri, 21 Apr 2006 05:05:00 PST

L'alien qui vous sors du bide...

... je sais pas pourquoi je parle de ça mais hier j'ai passé la première soiréde mon existance à me poser la question, si j'avais un foetus d'alien dans mon estomac!!!! Vous aller croire que je suis ...
Posted by Thomy on Tue, 25 Oct 2005 03:56:00 PST