NYC, museums, bar-hoppin', movies, relaxin' in the park, learning new things...Always wanted to see Cleopatra's Obelisk at Central park (never had the time), and play miniature golf...
Cool people with no agendas; old friends, new friends
Reggae, Jazz, R&B, hip-hop, older rock like the Beatles, Cure, etc; also getting to like classical
My Neighbor Totoro; anything by Miyazaki, Love Actually, Thin Red Line, Serendipity, Sandlot, Forrest Gump, Heat, Unforgiven, Super Troopers, Roman Holiday, Old School, 7 Samurai, Napoleon Dynamite, and many others
The Wire, pretty much everything in History and Discovery Channels, BBC News, Duck Tales, Transformers, Geico Commercials, and that Korean Drama that's on every 9:30
My History textbooks, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Captain's Verses, Musashi; miss reading Spider-man comics and my 8th grade literature book
My Parents and their parents and so forth, and Jesus, he's my homeboy=)