ARNOLD & JUNCTION BAND~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~SAPOAsesinoAsesino 2La puerta negraPolkitaJUST A FEW SONGS THAT JUNCTION BAND PLAYS TO GET PEOPLE DANCING...
Check out our appearance on Acordeones De Tejas TV Show
"El Asesino" VideoHey everybody...We're Arnold & Junction Band and we play regularly at several local clubs and honky-tonks. The band originally started back in October 1977, in Junction, Texas. We've gone through many stages including straight rock 'n roll, to some disco, pure country, and now a combination of country, tejano, and rock. We're basically your all around variety band that can play to the mood of the crowd. We've got two cd's out and were working on a couple of new cd's.Leave Arnold & The Junction Band a Comment here!