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About Me

Well lets see... I'm human. that means I'm pretty darn messed up sometimes. lol. Maybe most of the time. I know I love people, I also know that people scare the crap out of me sometimes. I Love God, His grace is good, and lately I'm realizing, perhaps again, just HOW good his grace is. I know that I have figured some things out, had some revelations, reached some point of epiphany. I also realize that I'm so nowhere near who it is I'm called to be that it nauseates me on occasion. I press on. I like life but I also grieve for a lot of things that I see. I'm discovering that the harder I try to hold onto good things the more likely they are to be gone, where as if I take each moment embrace, enjoy, and let it go, I can trust that those things will come back again. I'm hopeful, and passionate. I'm a bit of a visionary (or so my mother says). I enjoy honest and deep conversations and wish I had more of them in my life. All in all life is good and to be able to say that is quite a victory in itself my friends, but guess what? It's going to get even better... sports layout powered by HOT / MyHotComments

My Interests

Driving, just for the heck of it with no where to go. snowboarding. Bongo drums. The bible; proverbs and ecclesiastes [the rest are good too :)]. running, with my running shoes. Really screwed up people (I think they are far more interesting then mildly screwed up people). Soy lattes. random facts. chapstick (my lips get real chapped...), hmmm my mother (I like her), that feeling I get when I balance my check book and I have money left over. lol. meeting new people, learning new things about old people, reminicing on old things with old friends, joy, peace, health, hope, GRACE, I really love grace, mercy is right up there too. love, real love that is (aka, God's love), everything that makes life worth living!


Action, and ones with a good plot that you can't quite figure out. But I'm also a sucker for the Back to the Future trilogy Oceans 11, Bill and Teds excellent adventure, "most triumphant"!


Waste of time!


My hero is Jesus Christ first and foremost, he saved me from myself (and I'm a pretty determined assassin so that was quite a feat).