*Kelli* profile picture


R.I.P. Murat you will not be forgotten

About Me

? whateverlife.comOk let's see.....my name is Kelli I grew up in Michigan,just moved to upstate NY after 3 glorious years in sunny West Palm Beach,FL. and I spend the summers in Kennebunkport, ME. I like to talk to everyone who crosses my path,eat,drink,be merry,travel when I can and do what I want. I am an only child which some may say is reflected in my personality because I like to get my way,but I also consider myself to be a great friend to all of my wonderful guys and gals. I am slightly addicted to myspace which was NOT supposed to happen but it comes in handy when tryin to keep in touch (or broadcast embarassing photos) I hope that's enough for now and if you want to know more just ask.... XXOOXXOO ..

My Interests


I'd like to meet:


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Well up here in the mountains T.V. is kind-of a staple I don't really enjoy watching it but I am starting to watch more of it. I still think I watch the most random stuff though. I get teased for not watching the "HD channels" I never notice the picture! Ha ha as long as I can see Carrie and the girls I'm fine. Daytime television is really bad you have to literally search for something that's watchable...I'd rather myspace


I will read almost anything I pick up except for manuals(I like to use the trial and error method) and the sports page(BOOOOORIIIIING!!)
Tell Everyone About Yourself
Time started::
Basic About you:
Name:: Kelli
Gender:: Female :)
Height:: 6 ft
Eye color:: Blue
Hair Color:: Blonde
Age:: 25
Birthday:: 24th of January
Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: Righty
Piercings:: Ears
Tatoos:: 1
Zodiac Sign:: Aquarius
Ring Size:: Dunno
Grade:: A+ ;)
More about you:
Are you named after anyone?: Not that I know of..if I were a boy my name would be Jay
Do you live in the moment?: Most of the time
Do you consider yourself tolerent to others?: Very
Do you have any secrets?: Who doesn't?
Do you hate yourself?: No!!!
Do you like your handwriting?: It serves it's purpose
Do you have any bad habits?: Leave cabinets open,don't squeeze the toothpaste from the bottom up,and I smoke
If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: If I got to know me, yes
Any regrets?: Not really,you live, you learn
Do you think life has been good so far?: Yes, very
Are you confident?: Yeah I think so....except when bowling
How long does it take you to shower?: 20 minutesish
What color is your room?: Off white (just moved)
Where do you want to attend college?: Grand Rapids
Do you...?
Smoke?: Yep
Do drugs?:
Drink?: Yeah!!!
Go to church?: Guilty
Sleep with stuffed animals?: No
Take walks in the rain?: Not if I can help it
Talk to people even if you hate them?: No
Drive?: Yes, just got done driving from WPB to NY
Believe in premarital sex?: Yeah...be careful!!
Want to get married?: Someday..I think
Want to go to college?: Maybe a bit more
Want to have children?: Yes or adopt
Sing in the shower?: Yes
Get along with you parents?: Yes love them
Get along with your sibling/s?: Sure..lol
Color/highlight your hair?: Yep
Like coffee?: Yes I do...love my latte
Wear makeup everytime you go out?: Yes
Love roller coasters?: Cedar Point!!
Like to cook?: Yes but not sure I'm any good at it...yet:)
Have you ever...?
Hurt yourself? : Yep
Been out of the country?: Yes
Been in love?: Think so
Done drugs?: Yes
Gone skinny dipping?: Ohhhh yeah
Had surgery?: No
Played strip poker?: Yes
Been on stage?: Yes I was Snow White lol
Pulled an all nighter?: Many times
Gone one day without food?: Yep but not happily
Slept all day?: Yes
Kissed a stranger?: Yes...anyone rememer Alyssa's bachelorette part in Windsor?
Had a dream that came true?: Yes:) Awwwwww...
Broken the law?: Yep
Stolen anything?: Sweatshirts from boys
Been on radio/tv?: T.V. a looong time ago
Been in a mosh-pit?: Yeah
Bungee jumped?: No...scary
Had a dream that kept coming back?: All the time
Gone out of state?: Oh yeah I've almost been to all of them
Live in other states?: MI, FL,NY,ME,WA
Eaten an entire box of oreos?: Why do you alwayswanna know this? I swear every survey wants to know about the damn oreos!! No is my final answer!!
Had a movie marathon?: Yes I love Frasier and SITC
Spun until you were immensely dizzy?: Sure
Been on a plane?: Yep like to fly!!
Ran into a wall?: Yes but no-one saw me:)
Been rejected by a crush?: Grrrrrrrrr....
Cried in public?: Yes if I start I can't stop!!!
Cried over a movie?: Oh yeah...yesterday I cried watching King Kong!! Lmao
Pranked called someone?: Yes
Gotten a cavity?: :( yep
Shopped at Abercrombie and Fitch?: Not since I was in high school
Broken a bone?: No
Fallen from a tree?: No
Passed out?: Yes
Been to a theme park?: Yes
Eaten sushi?: Love it
This or That
Pepsi or Coke:: Pepsi
McDonalds or BUrger King:: BK
Chocolate or Vanilla:: Mint Chocolate Chip
Black or White:: Black!
Burgers or Hot dogs:: Burger
Boxers or breifs:: Boxers?
Book or magazine:: Either depends on my attention span
TV or radio:: Radio
is the glass half empty or half full:: Full...unless it involes vodka..then it's prob just ice
sun or moon:: Moon
hot or cold:: Hot but not too hot
romantic comedy or thriller:: Romance all the way
waffles or pancakes:: Waffles yummy!
Florida or california:: South East Florida
Black and white or color photos:: Both all photos are good
The city, the beach, OR the country:: The beach!!!
Tennis shoes or sandals:: Sandals
Sweet or sour:: Sweet
Private or publie school:: Public...more diverse
Cappuccino or coffee:: Cap
English or history:: History? Science!!!
Science or math:: Ooops! Science
Do you believe ...?
in miracles?: Yes I do they happen everyday! Welcome Ari!!
in magic?: No and I think magicians are frustrating
in God?: Yes
in Satan?: Ummm I don't wanna think about that
in ghosts?: Yes don't wanna see one of those either
in luck?: Yep I got alot of the luck
in love at first sight?: Lust
in Santa?: In the words of Mary"The spirit of Santa is still alive" Her parents told her that after I raced down the block on (X-Mas morning)to tell her that he didn't exist
in the Easter Bunny?: Come on!
in witches?: Yes and I think I know a few....
that it's possible to remain faithful forever?: I hope so
in wishing on shooting stars?: Yes I do
that cussing is a necessity in life?: Somethimes yes like when you stub your toe...what are ya gonna say? Darn!?!
yourself?: Yes I do
Love and all that -
Do you consider love a mistake?: I have
If someone you had no interest in had interest in dating you how would you: This ? is not clear to me so I'm not answering it!
Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them?: Yes I hope most ppl do
What is worst about the opposite sex?: Hmmm they seem alot more confused than us ladies most of the time
Who and when was your first crush?: Jeremy Belden..at toddler tech
First thing you notice about the opposite sex?: Height/eyes
Right this moment...
What are you wearing?: Jeans Blk sweater headband
What are you worried about?: Cookin' dinner for Luke
What book are you reading?: My friend Leonard...but I know something sad is gonna happen at the end so I've been procrastinating
What time is it?: 5:09 p.m.
Are you bored?: No
Are you tired?: No..it's Friday!!
Are you talking to anyone online or on the phone?: No
Are you lonely or content?: Content
Are you listening to music, if so then what?: No
The Last...
Dream you had:: Weird one about my ex
Nightmare:: Weird one about my ex
Time you cried:: King Kong...it's so sad!!! Poor guy!! (I didn't see the original)
Movie you watched:: I heart Huckabees but we didn't get all the way through it ;)
Movie you rented:: ""
Book you read:: ""
Word you said:: Thank you to the cashier at our friendly neighborhood A&P
Time you laughed:: Lunch time...Kimba stories
Person to call you:: Rachel!!
CD you played:: INXS Greatest Hits
Song you listened to:: 50 ways to leave your lover from Rach's profile...love that f'ing song
annoyance:: Snow peas being 7 dollars at the store!! Waaay too much!
IM sent or recieved:: N/A
Time you yelled:: Yesterday..at the jukebox
Person you yelled at:: Don't remember
time you were a skirt:: Love my jean skirt! Last Frday
time you fought with your parents:: Looong time ago
Time you wished on a shooting star:: In New Jersey (of all places) on Tues.
Thing you ate:: Pineapple (making dinner AND my spacin' lol
Time you showered:: This A.M.
Nail polish color worn:: Nice peachy goldish
Your favorite:
Type of gum:: Sweet Mint Orbitz
Restaurant:: Hmmmm....I like Dada's in Delray
Season:: Summa
Type of weather:: Warm breezy sunny
Emotion:: Complete..wait is that an emotion? Happy? Satisfied? I dunno I'm just glad to have some!
Color:: Pink the hot kind
Perfume:: Lancome Miracle...until Amber decided to wear it too...
Candy:: Reeses Pieces
Pizza topping:: Tomatoes/Feta/Olives
Fruit:: Tangerine
Veggie:: Pickles? lol
Type of cake:: Angel food cake
Magazine:: Cosmo...DUH!
TV Show:: Don't like T.V.
Day of the week:: I looooove the weekend!
Month:: January...I was born in that fabulous month so you should love it too!
Holiday:: Halloween
Number:: ? Dunno
Sport to watch:: Hockey
Flower:: Gerbera Daisey
Time Finished:: 5:47 had to make dinner and say hello to my Luke! :)
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My momma is def my hero...anyone who can put up with my only child tendencies is also on the list :)

My Blog

On a lighter note:

   Here is something to make you feel better after my "stressy"  laundry post....wait did they say cobwebs of the heart? I just caught that before posting...er....why isn...
Posted by *Kelli* on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 03:06:00 PST

Grrrrrr...laundry monster!!!

         Why is laundry such a royal pain in my ass? I hate it! I wish there were cute disposible clothes that I could wear once and throw away....(er which rem...
Posted by *Kelli* on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 02:58:00 PST

Me me me!!! New Survey!! I know you are all on the edge of your chairs! lol I'm BORED!!!!

..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE> ..> A  121 Question Myspace Survey Basics Name: Kelli B-Day: 1/24/82 Superbowl Sunday!!!! Age: 25 Eye Color: Blue/Green Hair Color: Blondie:) Height:...
Posted by *Kelli* on Wed, 14 Mar 2007 01:07:00 PST

Me me me mememememeememememe

MOST Spontaneous Questions Ever, BE HONEST 1. Where were you 1 hour ago?"Gerard" our couch 2. Who will be your next kiss?Luke :)can't wait 3. When is the last time you went to the mall?We don't have m...
Posted by *Kelli* on Wed, 21 Feb 2007 02:08:00 PST

I love my friends!! Thanks guys!

Thanks for filling these out guys it made my day!!!! XOXOXOX Now I've got work to do! LOL ...
Posted by *Kelli* on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 10:33:00 PST

Survey for today

1. Where did you take your default pic?Bonds in WPB2. What exactly are you wearing right now?Pink P.J.'s with red shamrocks (for good luck:)3. What is your current problem?Getting the flu/ being sick ...
Posted by *Kelli* on Thu, 04 Jan 2007 07:15:00 PST