The PeeJ Survey
Chicken wings - breading or no breading? Ew. None.
Do you still own an old, tattered prized possession from your childhood? And if so, what is it? Define childhood. I've had several. Does my Airborne Barbie count?
Do your pets think they're pplz, and/or do they have pplz names? Of course they're pplz. One does. The other two don't.
What was your favorite cereal from childhood, and when is the last time you had some? Froot Loops, and a few months.
Which PeeJ conviction stands out the most to you and why? jim_garvin56, because he was my first. That answer will change soon, though!
Brownies...with or without nuts? Female brownies only, please.
In how many languages can you order a beer? Four.
What's the name of the person with whom you went on your first date? Real date - Greg.
What bumper stickers do you have on your car? None yet. I have yet to apply my Darwin fish.
How many PJ items do you own from the PJ Store? Um. 5?
What is the one type of habit/behavior/thing that makes you odd or unique? Pirate ears. And I wear them.
If you could go back in time and change ONE thing what would it be? I would have made damned sure the people I loved knew it before it was too late.
If you could add a forum to PeeJ, what would it be and what would it be about? What if I don't want to add a forum?
If you could get a tattoo and spend no money and have no pain, what and where would it be? Ankle. The BSD devil.
If you could make any law without rhyme, reason, or even meaning, what would it be and why? That I'm the supreme ruler of all and can make all the laws I want. It's got that whole world domination thing going on.
Stuffing - in the turkey or in a casserole? Casserole. It's gross in the bird.
How many keys are on your key ring? 6.
Kisses - tongue or no tongue? Tongue.
Neighbors - wave or flip them off? Bah.
Would you rather vacation at the ocean or in the mountains? Yes, please.
You want to have the whackiest 6-person dinner party evAr. What 5 PeeJers do you invite to ensure that the wackiest possible dynamic is achieved? I can only have five? What is this, some kind of commie survey?
What one word would you use to best describe Slim? Deceptively complicated. Oh. Wait. That's two words. Sorry.
If you could insert yourself into any book or movie and change what happened, which book or movie would it be and what would you change? Too many choices, so I'll just go with my favorite movie - On Golden Pond. I'd drown Jane Fonda before the movie took place. Like at birth. Preferably.
How did you find out THE TRUTH ABOUT SANTA? Hell if I remember.
Which standard survey question is the lamest in your opinion? omg have you ever (insert stupid thing here) someone on your top 8?
If you could go back in time, what period would it be, and why? Easiest question yet. The 70s. Why is none of your damned business.
If you could talk to one PeeJ bust, who would you talk to and what would you say? Again with the commie limits.
Where in the world would you most like to visit? Bikini Atoll.
If you were given a million dollars, but could only spend it on other people, on what and/or whom would you spend the money? Whee! Commune!
Do you believe in the saying, "the end justifies the means"? Yes. Almost always. With very few exceptions.
What's your favorite drink evAr (alcoholic or non-alcoholic, doesn't matter)? Sigh. So many choices. I dunno. Coffee. Diet Pepsi. Bourbon. Vodka. Pick one.
If you had "THE POWER" (duh duh duh duuuun), and could make one world-altering change, what would it be and why? Teleportation would be not only possible, but free.
The Genie in the bottle has just granted you one of two things, which would you choose? 1) Be more attractive, or 2) Be more intelligent? Yes.
Where would you hide the body? If you're good, no body exists.
Quality or Quantity? Quality. Duh.
If there was a PeeJ reality show where you had to live under the same roof with every contributor for three months: Which people do you think would form an alliance? And who do you think would end up being the krazy evil one of the bunch? Depends, are we talking alliance for good, or alliance for domination? And I love you all dearly, but if I had to live with ALL of you for three months I'd be the crazy one.
What is the scariest thing you have ever done? Wow. Just one? Okay. 120+mph on the back of a bike on very twisty and hilly roads. Narrow ones. Leading down to the river. But fun!
What are three songs that always give you goosebumps? Depends on the day and the mood.
Favorite movie, no matter the genre, of all time? On Golden Pond. I'm a pussy.
What's your favorite font? 10pt stabthemintheface bold.
Who would you choose to play yourself in a movie about your life? Gilda Radner.
What do you feel you absolutely have to do before you die? There are places I'd like to go, and things I'd like to see - but absolutely have to? Nothing.
What is your favorite TCAP moment? "Oops"
Fill in the blanks: If I had a ___, I would ___ so I could ___. lot of money - buy land in the mountains of NC - be where I want to be.
What are you passionate about? Our work, our mission.
You are making a movie about the top 8 people on your friends list. Who will play each one in the movie? Take the cast of Animal House and just start handing out parts. Buncha crazy bastards.
Best concert you've ever seen? Gah. Just one? Rush? Who? Moody Blues? Van Halen?
Excluding salt and pepper, what are your 3 favorite spices/herbs? Garlic. Lemon Pepper. Basil.
What's the best Christmas present you've ever received? My denim backpack that I've had for 20 years and my KID JUST BROKE.
What's your favorite smell? The mountains in the springtime just after it stops raining.
What's your favorite insect? Sigh. Slim already stole my favorite one, so I'll have to think of another.
Would you rather have a treehouse or a bomb shelter? Treehouse. In the mountains. Now. Please.
David Lee Roth or Sammy Hagar? No question. David Lee Roth.
Where were you when you heard JFK Jr. died? At home.
When eating a plate full of food, do you mash and mix it all together or do you eat one food at a time? One at a time, and they'd better not be touching.
Do you search through dairy products to find the ones with the farthest expiration date? Yessss.
Hardback, paperback, e-text, or audio book? Hardback.
What kind of weapons do you own? My mind. The rest you don't need to know about.
What CD is in your stereo right now? Genesis - And Then There Were Three..
What's your favorite thing to watch alone, at home, on a rainy day? Like my music, it depends on my mood when it comes to movies. TV, well, usually documentaries or cooking or stuffs like that.