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Hektor Thillet Music Demo 1
song & vocals: Hektor Thillet
music by: DJ Briareus & DJ Matt Fatt
In exploring with music writing and performing my first couple of songs, I've had the oportunity to work with some great up and coming talent that have taken my music and made it a reality. I am very exited to see what else the near future brings and what other crazy stuff I can come up with. I am having a lot of fun and that's what matters. Maybe eventually I'll put together an album of some sort... but for now just wanted to release this little demo and share some of the good stuff that has come out of these wonderful CC collaborations. In this demo I thank Briareus and Matt Fatt for making a couple lyrics and my raspy ol voice into some kick ass sounding stuff. Enjoy!
-Hektor Thillet
Egocentric Youth (Single Remix)
song & vocals: Hektor Thillet
music by: DJ Kangaroo Musique
Hektor Thillet has released a small track on Jamendo called "Egocentric Youth" wich i loved cause of his voice. So i asked him to send me the voice-track to play with.. so here is my interpretation of his work.
-DJ Kangaroo Musique
Audio Book:
This winter 2007 HT Audio books will be releasing "Nevermore" ,a compendium of love and hate in the suburbs that could easily be called Hektor Thillet's best piece of literature so far. Praised by colleagues and friends alike "Nevermore" disturbs with bittersweet poetry the quiet decadence of a familiar human utopian ideal. This tragic tale of homophobia and self-discovery blends the harsh reality of one of the most controversial modern taboos with a soft and eerie fairytale like nuance. Inspired by the author's own life experiences, this fictional look into the human mind is a haunting psychological requiem for teens and adults alike. Read by Hektor Thillet and scored by a haunting soundtrack featuring an iMix soon to be available in iTunes, Nevermore is an HT Audio book you don't want to miss.
Welcome to suburbia where everything is perfect. A place where people live happy lives, and where good sons long for the right girl to carry on the good family name ... or do they? The town has grown a fixation on pretty boy Sebastian, and the beautiful garden he tends to at the feet of his family's mansion. At the same time football superstar, Chris, seems to be developing feelings for the beautiful boy himself despite his town jock ideals. Could he be gay? The answer lies on the other side of the garden fence, from where Sebastian's gaze haunts him, and where darker truths seem to be blooming deep within suburbia.
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HT Audiobooks Website on
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American Association of Teachers
Art Director:
John Ristow
Hektor Thillet
Photoshop + Illustrator
© 2006 Broward Teachers Union. All rights reserved.
New Hektor Space:
HT Audiobooks on MySpace
Well kids hold on tight 'cause here I go!Me, Hektor Thillet, ha! ha! have decided to get an audio book "my space" going. I see everybody posting their music and video escapades and I got to thinking! Well, I got a talent too that I want everyone to see! I WRITE! I mean I also do art and all kinds o good stuff that we won't take into consideration for the sake of making literature the matter at hand... he! he! But you know ... Art is just a no brainer to showcase, as well as music. The issue was, ORIGINAL LITERATURE; HOW DO I GET IT OUT THERE IN THE COOL CYBER-POP-TRENDY WORLD?!!!
So! I've decided to open a little audiobooks space right here on my space! A tiny, but brave little space, where I can showcase my short stories in audio format and put a smile on my face like if someone had slapped my monkey! lol.
There'll be clever narration from various colleagues, and sleek little audio montages for your listening pleasures.
I'm kicking it off with an audio adaptation of my coming of age romantic comedy "Jeremy's Drama", about a young gentleman in the fashion world who might have just had too much of the clean cut and pretty and is longing for a messy start.
Anyway! If you're into this stuff ... reading ... audio books... or just have nothing better to do than watch reruns of OPRAH's ummm... BOOK CLUB?! YEH! Then I invite you to listen up! Let me know what you thought! All and all, WELCOME! ENJOY!