Being a mentor to at risk youths and teaching them about the world of writing and creating their dreams in fantasy land....Movies, popcorn, talking, biking, hiking, SKIING!!!!!!!! working shows,
Art by Olivia
Farmers markets and cooking. Getting my pilots license, even though I have absolutely no sense of direction..till then I'm just a prayin to meet a pilot..Apple Martinis and wine.
Eating an entire pizza by myself in my bedroom while watching cheesy ass movies.
I love the question marks on my page because I have so many do they get the water to come up the pipes in high rises? Who was the first person on anesthesia? Who was the first person that volunteered for lipsuction? Ouch..Who created mortar? Who decided how fast an escalator should go, was it a rough start? It goes on and on.....
Anyone who sticks to their word..Passionate... Bikers,(with or without gasoline), hikers, driven, doesn't use pet names for women they've never met, sensual, intelligent, laugh with heart, communicative and likes me for my whacky sense of humor. You live in my dreams, you bring me into yours. Seduce me with what you feel, not what you say..
Motivated and successful in their beliefs of what success means and marches to their own beat. Beautiful bodies and faces are easy to find in LA, beautiful minds and souls aren't.
The guys and girls who get ALL the way over in the left turn lane and are aware of other drivers.
Jazz, Blues, R&B, Old Mowtown, Rock, even country..
Action/Adventure (I wish I could do the stunts too, but I might break a nail :), mushy girly flicks that make you cry till you can't breath and makes you think, comedies, comedies and comedies..motivational movies and DVD' "The Secret", "What The Bleep"..etc...Oh, and home movies of my nieces saying HI to their favorite Auntie..ME!
Documentaries, trashy celebrity profiles :), Biographies are my fav.. Law & Order, Sex and The City, Entourage(ahhh), it's my job and I love my job..
Diet 101, Diet 102, Dieting and You, How to be on a diet, How not to diet, Diet 103, How to meet hot guys and not diet, How to be fat and date good looking men, Eat Chocolate and Diet, How not not to be temporarily insane while dieting, How to not eat your neighbors dog when on a diet, ...I AM THE LITERARY ADVENTURE!
MY SISTER!!!and anyone willing to take on their dreams and create their life through all the bullshit and fear. I don't care if you're rich or poor. It's integrity that counts and treating people with respect that I respect. Those are my heroes.