I love motorcycles and hope to have one by next year. Love karaoke bars, bar hopping, sporting events, shooting some pool, going to the movies, and theres something about taking a long drive with no set place to go thats always relaxing. You know the kind of drive im talking about, the one where you have ur windows down and radio on....feeling that cool night breeze and just feeling relaxed.
Im always up for meeting some cool females that like to hang out and have fun, and no it doesnt have to be sexual. I like a chick that can take a joke and give one back, someone who doesnt act like shes better than everyone else, someone who is down to earth yet not a stick in the mud, and someone who doesnt mind the occasional drink every now and then. If you can handle your liquor then you're good in my book. I dont mind babysitting a drunk chick but i prefer not to.
Im into all kinds of music. I grew up on old school rock & roll but i listen to anything and everything that sounds good...Love country, tejano, a lil bit of hip hop, light rock, hard rock, grunge, alternative, techno, oldies, disco, 80's, 90's and so forth...you get the point...when it comes to music im not prejudice
As far as movies go im into comedy first...then horror... anything else im into as long as they have a good plot with the xception of porn...dont like it for nothing..all it does is make me laugh...And yes ladies i even like the occasional chick flick...anything with Tom Hanks ,Michael Keaton or Al Pachino is worth watching
C.S.I(all 3), Greys Anatomey, House is a pretty cool show, 2 and a half men, Will & Grace, George Lopez, Basketball & Football whenever its on and yes people i even like watching Walker Texas Ranger...go Chuck!!! woohoooo
Anything by James Patterson or Stephen King is always good...Yes i read alot
Mighty Mouse!!! Nuff SaidInsane Clown Posse - Juggalo Homies
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