With my production and dj-ing in my comunity I'm recognized as free artist who is researching interdisciplinary relationships between electonic music and society.
My electronic performance is made under pseudonym Robert Radamant. The main aspects of my music productions is some kind of junction between every music trends made thruogh the history. On the other side I'm researching the possibilities of home production becouse to discover some life secrets.
If I must choose the main elements of my music I can't bypass influence of slavic and oriental ethno, d'n'b, breakcore, dubstep, IDM, d'n'b, post- rock references, various genres of electronica, jazz and free form improvisations.In my performances i sometimes work together with artists like m.org, Hiram Abiff and Visitor Q. Few times I also performed with Zid.buke (improvisation-aritmical-minimal-noise-ambijent), Pajo (free artist, experimental, noise, free form) and once with Pavijan Grivast (rock- psychodelic band). Also, there's a permanent colaboration present with the confusion crew, one of the most active and successful d'n'b-breaks-electronica crew in Croatia.
I'm work within EGOBOObits label (mama- mulitimedia institute) which is guided by GNU licence. GNU licence allow free distribution, copying and modification but with requierment that modificated or original work must be distributed on the same principles.
I'm also a member of two non-goverment organizations K.V.A.R.K and UKE . I collaborated on few projects in domain of urban culture (EEII conferention, Gentlejunk kolektiv, Stanica MIR, zin ZUK, zin Planet, magazine04, Infoshop KVARK, EGOBOO.bits, few short movies etc.). Also, I'm literaly active (I'm one of the five autors in the book «Pet Autora Tra--i Naslov») My main activity is in the domain of free journalism. My older texts can be found on this sites www.ukljucise.org , www.kulturpunkt.hr, http://www.h-alter.org/index.php and curently I'm active on this e-journals www.zamirzine.net, www.earbugs.com and www.cunterview.net .Link to more of my music:www.egoboobits.net/RobertRadamant;http://www.dogmazic.
net/Robert_RadamantAn EP on Jamendo:msprm name="quality"