___________U KNO U TEXANS WHEN YOU begin & end conversationss with "ALREADY" and say "AIGHT"YOU will beat the next person's ass that asks you if you voted for BUSHWHEN you hear "SYRUP" you automatically think of that drank and not the condimentYOU call the people unrelated to you "KINFOLK"YOU can finish the lines:"Whats the ___ deal/ Man hold ___/ Got too much ___ in my ___Being "THROWED" isn't a predicament; its a state of mindA 102 degree day is normalAt least one of your high scHool teachers was a coachYOU think the way people from NY talk is "funny"YOU got too many damn hwys to get to the same placeYOU were crushed when Paul Wall and Chamillionaire started beefinJungle Juice is yo shit! (ALLLLLREADDDY)You can't understand why everyone else in the world is so hostile and in such hurryCalling your girl your "bitch" will get you leaned onYou kno the meaning of: boppa swanga(s) slab cakin and being throwedDominoes(bones) is just as such apart of the family reunion as the familyYou have never said "you all" in your life (yall)You have a porch, not a stoopYou have Cadillacs and Caprices; its in your bloodYou miss the OLD SwishahouseYou know what it means to "roll a big body" and "Big Swang"You don't really see the purpose of EVER leaving the stateYou "Go out of town", to another city in TEXASWhen your girls call you Bitch its out of respect not because they don't like youSo if you are Texas MADE n Texas RAISED, Put your cups up - send this to all of your homies if your a TRUE TEXAN!!!!!!!! __________ Sports and others pops truck_______________ ___________________________________________ HEAD BUSSA
cowboys-barberrob and big background _ __ _____ me looking over people __________ slippery floor
cuzo t... best lil cousin __ gege is her name my fav girl cuzin __-my fly cuzin james... im proud of u man... u a yung man now..mcflurry.. ___ _my cuzo jarred.. down 4 a nig__ My lil cousin jr been down since day one and he kno I got him for anything __Chris mercy- this my cuzo>>> down 4 my dog anyone got beef wit u, im only one phone call away…and if u one of da hataz leave me a message And g-mo and jojo…classroom goons.. this r some cool friends to be around…funny and positive cuzo ant-taught me football and was a idol grownin up...definition of a real nigga..love family curt... came thur 4 me alot of time... my dawg 4 real even thought he b in that hoe stuff sumtime...lol
herb and me crashing the halle berryhttp://i19.photobucket.com/albums/b180/CandyStar_/kmn.j pg ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ kNUCK IF YOU BUCK!!!!!!!
_____________________________________________ repos _____________ ______________ ___________________________ ____________________
FAv. runnin back in college step ___ src="http://i98.photobucket.com/flash/player.swf?file=http:/ /vid98.photobucket.com/albums/l241/MICHAELARAGUZ/LILEVIDEO_0 001.flv">..
minter ___ vince ___ Mario __ strahan __ ray lewis __ mathis ___ freeney ___ bob __ sapp __