Gªß¡ profile picture


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About Me

I got this layout at MYSPACEEYECANDY.NET!
stars layout @ HOT FreeLayouts.com MyHotComments
been kissed.. Siii
lied to a friend.. NO
dyed ur hair No
dressed punk No
kissed a girl Sii mi hermanita LIZ
saw something u didnt want to mmm alamejor:)
danced in the rain Si klaro
lied to ur parents KLaro K SIIII
went barefoot in the snow NO
played hockey Siii
made ur own clothes NO eso NO
got in a fite No klaro K nO
took a shower Sii ToDOS Los DIas jaja
gave a dirty look to someone mmm puede ser
cried=( mmmm NO lO KReo
did a cartwheel No
went to school Siii
shopped NO:(
danced Sii Ayer EN DAiry Queen jaaj
got sick Sii ando Malita:(
did something u regret mmm NO KLaro k NO:)
discovered something new mmmm kreo k siiiii
run to class because ur always late Siempre
act perfect NO eso seria AburriDo
act hyper mmm iia estoy
are a nerd No eso C LO DejO a Mi HermaNIta LIZ
in band?? NO!!
in ur pjs NO
drinkin No
listening to music Siii
watching a movie NO
iming someone mmm alamejor:)
talkin on the fone iia No
eating NO
hot topic or abercrombie and fitch mmmm
thongs or briefs ......
boxers anyone?!?! ?!?!?!
sweatpants or jeans PantaLones
longsleeved shirts or short sleeve DePendE
tube tops or tanks mmm k sera bueno....
current clothes Un PaNtaLon Una Blusa Un Sako y MIs TakoNes lol
current mood SUper FeLIZ XK Sera:)
current music Reik(Tear)
current taste ....
current make-up No Uso
current thing I ought to be doing EStuDiando jaja
you hugged mmm Mi MaMi
yelled at Pro Jugnado a un amigo
IMed. Un amigo
you touched Mi MAmIta
[ EiTHER/0R .. ]
coffee or hot chocolate ChokOlaTe
big or little DepenDe
lace or satin mmmmm
new or old DePenDe
vogue or cosmopolitan .....
skirt or dress PUede Ser una O La Otra
wool or cotton AlgoDOn
[DO YOU..]
put on a "front"
have a crush on someone mmm Kreo k SII:)
if u got a tatoo where wud u get it mmm no nunka lo aria
waht is the online symbol u use the most ......:)
u have a boyfriend or girlfiend Tu K KRees??
who's hotter, Josh Hartnett or Chad Michael Murray Alfonso Herrera jaja
what was the last thing you said Alfonso Herrera jaja
who would u want to be stuck in an elevator with mmmm Kon MI Otra Mitad:)
do you like stickers si Klaro
do u play with mad libs wen ur bored kreo k No
are you suicidal NO
is your window open NO No la puedo Abrir alguien me kiera ayudar??
what was the last pair of shoes you bought Unos Puma
do you have a little brother No tengo un hrmno mayor ELigIo Y esta BIen Xk Me Da DInero jaja
does he draw you cute pictures NO me Da DineRo:)
where do your grandparents live EN MOroS(MAtaMoros)
what do you think of when you hear the word click mmm jugando kon el raton d la Kompu
are you a moron io Digo k No pro Muchos dicen K si ustedes k dicen??
do you like trampolines siiii
have u ever accidentally sucked something up in the vacuum mmmm No Xk no la Uso jaaj
did you see American Pie 2 Si lol
do you cut yourself SI me a pasado estubo chistoso ajaj

My Interests

img src="http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i107/tkx92net/myhotco mments9/guyis7.jpg" border="0" alt="

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My Blog

Si Tu Me KiSierAs!!!!!

si pretendemos que nada pasa entre tu y yo, estar fingiendo es culpa de los dos, en silencio grito al miedo ke se despida y entre el sol, quiero el valor para que hoy te diga quien soy yo, no puedo ma...
Posted by ♥Gªß¡♥ on Thu, 24 May 2007 11:20:00 PST