Days Descend started summer of 06 where John and Mickey would play just 2 guitars writing pointless songs just having a good time. Not long after Mickey and John were jamming they asked Ian to play, who John had previously been friends and in bands with. From there we'd play in Ian's basement basically still just messing around. It never really went anywhere from there until summer 07 where the band had met Jerel. He had mentioned he played bass so he came down and tried out. Since then our line-up has been complete. We've currently been having fun writing/perfecting songs which we intend to continue. PLEASE TRY TO COME DOWN TO ONE OF OUR SHOWS!
For Booking/Information (PLEASE BOOK US!!) e-mail us at - [email protected]
Or you can contact on AIM Mickey at a7thvengeancex or John at LoOkAtMySN720.