Courtney Yates profile picture

Courtney Yates

About Me

Hi My name is Courtney Loren Yates. I love music!!!! Music is my life. I like the way my music makes people feel, I like the way music makes me feel, and I like the way music can show how I feel.I have been singing since I was 4 years old. My parents were Children's Pastors and I have been part of their Sunday Services helping them and singing praise and worship music every sunday since then. I love to get kids motivated and make adults break out of their shells and praise God like the little kids. God says to be like the children so don't hold back be like a kid.I write music, play guitar, sing and act. My dreams are to one day make it! I know with God on my side anything is possible and I can do all things. As life changes and I grow up I hope to always be able to be able to hear and feel what God is leading me to do.I am currently working with my voice coach Tom Mckinny and my producer Iroc Charles. These guys have been great and because of their tallents and knowledge I have grown so much in my music. They encourage me to be myself and to keep ME in my music.I am surrounded by great people who are always encouraging me and work as hard as I do to see my dreams come through. Zack Winters is best friend first, my partner second and my guitar player third. He is there for me always and is as comitted to our success as I am. We write music, we perform together and we worship together. We both have the same Love for Kids and ministering. My parents are great supporting us in all the crazy things we want to do and see and they are here for us to keep our hearts and minds in the right places ( even if it makes me mad). Thanks for visiting!  whateverlife was here wl12..
Hangin with Lil JJ

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Member Since: 24/02/2008
Band Website: None yet in the works stayed tuned.
Band Members: Courtney Loren Zack Winters-guitar
Influences: Jonas Brothers, Carrie Underwood, Mariah Carey, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, and Miranda Lambert.
Record Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Six Flags Performance

Hey everyone!   Yesterday was a great day.  I was asked late Thursday night if I wanted to perform at Six Flags over Texas on Friday.  I accepeted the invitation and boy was it fun.  It was a dream co...
Posted by on Sat, 04 Jul 2009 07:48:00 GMT

" Daddy Got A Letter "

Hey everyone who knows our family knows Ed.  Rob and Ed have been part of our family for many years and when Ed was called up to go to Iraq it was hard on me and the family.  He left last year in June...
Posted by on Wed, 10 Jun 2009 14:31:00 GMT

Courtney performing for the Boys & Girls Club of America

Make a Smilebox slideshow
Posted by on Sat, 20 Sep 2008 18:49:00 GMT

Working on a new song.

Hey everyone I am working on a new song.  I hope to get to record it at the end of the month when I get back from camp.  
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 21:09:00 GMT

Working hard this summer.

This summer has been very busy.  I am working with my new voice coach Tom Mckinny.  He is awsome and he is helping me develop my upper range and working with me to better understand how my v...
Posted by on Sat, 19 Jul 2008 21:03:00 GMT

Look her in the eyes

well this song was written for someone very specail to me and my friend Kate Stellar help me sooo much she did backup on it wrote the music and i wrote the words this song means a whole lot to me 1:...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 21:57:00 GMT

Hazel Harvey Peace Scholorship Fund

I just wanted to say thank you to all the people at the Hazel Harvey Peace Scholorship Fund and Ultimate T-Shirt Contest for the opportunity to sing and participate in the event in Waco.  I am lo...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 03:29:00 GMT

Hazel Harvey Peace Scholorship Fund

I just wanted to say thank you to all the people at the Hazel Harvey Peace Scholorship Fund and Ultimate T-Shirt Contest for the opportunity to sing and participate in the event in Waco.  I am lo...
Posted by on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 03:29:00 GMT