ThE NamEs BriE aka/baby underground
*First breathe: 8.6.87
*STaTuS:_WIFEY_♥1.5.08♥_Ghoztly Epic mah sexii juggalo 4LyFe..i LoVe u babii!
*you alwayz seems to know the right thingz 2 say when i need it the most.
*im'a muthafuckin WiCkEd JuGgaLeTTe so if u dont like me for any reason u can fuck the fuck off aiight?!
*i LoVe tHa WicKeD sHiT and all dat underground muzik!!
*FacEpAiNtZ sum sexii shyt lol!
*SuMmEr, ShOez, OriGanaLiTy,realness to da fullest!!
*TrAdEmArKeD bYtCh..nOt aNotHer lYke Me!
*i say whats on my mind if u dont like it u can then fuck off.
*u fuck with my fam or homiez it means yur fukkin' wit me and best beleive u will get chopped the fuck up.
*muzik iz my excape from everything..
*Lovez drawing
*loveZ modeling
*CuRrEnLy LeArNiNg PhOtOsHoP