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I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

Hey my name is Zach I'm 21 I was born on Sept.12th 1987 at Meriter hospital in Madison,Wisconsin. I'm a PFC in the Wisconsin Army National Guard and I'm going to Ranger School once I get the chance.I really like to workout and stay in shape, like playing a lot of sports and biking a lot, I also eat and sleep a lot. I'm a 160 lbs, 6'0. I want to go pro in road racing and someday make it into the Tour De France..

Pimp out your webpage with PimpWebpageYour results:
You are Superman
Superman 100%
Green Lantern 95%
The Flash 90%
Iron Man 75%
Batman 70%
Spider-Man 65%
Robin 57%
Wonder Woman 55%
Supergirl 55%
Hulk 55%
Catwoman 35% You are mild-mannered, good,
strong and you love to help others.
Click here to take the "Which Superhero are you?" quiz...
Your results:
You are Venom
Venom 72%
Mr. Freeze 63%
Mystique 60%
Apocalypse 56%
Dark Phoenix 52%
The Joker 51%
Catwoman 51%
Magneto 48%
Poison Ivy 43%
Green Goblin 40%
Riddler 40%
Dr. Doom 40%
Juggernaut 36%
Two-Face 32%
Lex Luthor 30%
Kingpin 30% Strength, disguise and adrenaline are your greatest weapons.
Click here to take the "Which Super Villain are you?" quiz...
You scored as Rocker, Mosher. Your A Rocker!
Rocker, Mosher






Chav, Townie, Rude Boy, Ned, Kev







What Group Are You? Chav, Rocker, Skater, Emo, Goth, Trendy, Prepy Ect
created with
You scored as rum. you are rum. you are adventurous and fun loving, but laid back and cool. you like to travel and love good times.




















what alcoholic drink are you (pictures)
created with QuizFarm.comTake the quiz: "What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)"

You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.
You Belong in 1962
1962 If you scored...1950 - 1959: You're fun loving, romantic, and more than a little innocent. See you at the drive in!1960 - 1969: You are a free spirit with a huge heart. Love, peace, and happiness rule - oh, and drugs too.1970 - 1979: Bold and brash, you take life by the horns. Whether you're partying or protesting, you give it your all!1980 - 1989: Wild, over the top, and just a little bit cheesy. You're colorful at night - and successful during the day.1990 - 1999: With you anything goes! You're grunge one day, ghetto fabulous the next. It's all good! What Year Do You Belong In?Take the quiz:
Which Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle are You?

You're mature and get the job done. You are a natural born leader, and normally want to be the better of the group. You take your job seriously. You must! It may NOT be a game. When you select a sport, or something you want to do, you train continueously, constantly trying to perfect it. You're always prepared for a challenge, and are normally found one step ahead of your enemies. Loving family more than life itself, you are a good friend, and can be depended on at all times.
Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
You scored as Passion. You are very passionate whether that passion is good or evil has yet to be determined. You have great power over others and they seem to flock to your service. You are very competative almost to a fault. Perhaps you should let someone else win for a change?



Diamond Eyes


Eyes full of Pain



What do your eyes reveal about you?(PICS!)
created with
Your Birthdate: September 12
Being born on the 12th day of the month (3 energy) is likely to add a good bit of vitality to your life.The energy of 3 allows you bounce back rapidly from setbacks, physical or mental.There is a restlessness in your nature, but you seem to be able to portray an easygoing, sometimes "couldn't care less" attitude.You have a natural ability to express yourself in public, and you always make a very good impression.Good with words, you excel in writing, speaking, and possibly singing.You are energetic and always a good conversationalist.You have a keen imagination, but you tend to scatter your energies and become involved with too may superficial matters.Your mind is practical and rational despite this tendency to jump about.You are affectionate and loving - but very sensitive.You are subject to rapid ups and downs.
Your Japanese Name Is...
Shunichi Washio What's your Japanese Name?
Z Zonked
A Altruistic
C Cheerful
H Handsome
Name / Username:

Name Acronym Generator
From What Does Your Name Mean?
Name: Zach Reine
Birthday: 09/12/1987
Birthplace: madison,Wisconsin
Current Location: madison,Wisconsin
Eye Color: dark brown
Hair Color: dark brown
Height: 6'0
Right Handed or Left Handed: right
Your Heritage: don't know
The Shoes You Wore Today: nike shox
Your Weakness: don't really have one..
Your Fears: not finding someone to spend my life with
Your Perfect Pizza: mushroom and pineapple
Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: finding a fulltime job
Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: lol
Thoughts First Waking Up: well I'm usually woken up by my phone, not saying any names
Your Best Physical Feature: abs,eyes,legs
Your Bedtime: whenever I fall asleep
Your Most Missed Memory: seeing my parents together
Pepsi or Coke: both
MacDonalds or Burger King: mc donalds
Single or Group Dates: both preferebly single dates
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: none
Chocolate or Vanilla: both
Cappuccino or Coffee: cappuccino
Do you Smoke: no
Do you Swear: most of the time
Do you Sing: I try
Do you Shower Daily: yes
Have you Been in Love: yes
Do you want to go to College: yes
Do you want to get Married: yes
Do you belive in yourself: yes
Do you get Motion Sickness: no
Do you think you are Attractive: yes
Are you a Health Freak: no
Do you get along with your Parents: most of the time
Do you like Thunderstorms: yes
Do you play an Instrument: yes
In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: yes
In the past month have you Smoked: no
In the past month have you been on Drugs: no
In the past month have you gone on a Date: no
In the

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My Blog

140.6 Reasons to do an Ironman:

140.6 Reasons to do an Ironman: »001. Makes everything else seem so SHORT.»002. The 3 week taper before the race.»003. The 4 week recovery after the race.»004. I've done one, so now I have to do it fa...
Posted by on Sat, 17 Jun 2006 00:44:00 GMT