im just an innocent boy who is shy and afraid of girls, i dont like to make eye contact with girls especially the cute ones, i like to spend my time watching 'barney and friends', 'teletubbies' and other kiddie shows, i also like to listen to 'nasyid kontemporari' because the music is so touching and sometimes i cry when i hear them, i love to spend time at the library writing 'mushy' love poems and 3000 words essay, i dont like spending time outside because im allergic to almost all living things especially humans, my favourite fashion is weirdlooking neon-bright coloured clothes,the outfit must be so damn tight to show my body figure, my fears are girls, ladies and women.....or anything with boobs. owh...and before i forget, i am the greatest LIAR on earth. so, take care...may God have mercy on your freakin soul.
Dark Silver Myspace Layouts in Dark Myspace Layouts