The Best Myspace Survey * . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: hazel/brown
Hair Color:: Chocolate brown! lol
Height:: 5"2!! so smalll
Favorite Color:: green
Screen Name:: Calylovezyou
Favorite Band:: lotsss
Favorite Movie:: House of Wax!!!!
Favorite Show:: mmm either My Own or Next! hilarrioussss
Your Car:: Sante Fe!! baby blueeee :D
Your Hometown:: Milwaukee, Wisconsin baby! lol
Your Present Town:: HP
Your Crushes First Name:: -
Your Grade:: 11
Your Style:: mmm sweat pantss and a baggy tee :) * . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: yessss
Kissed someone in the rain?: Yesss!!
Danced in a public place?: mmm prolly
Smiled for no reason?: yess!
Laughed so hard you cried?: lol prolly
Peed your pants after age 8?: nope!
Written a song?: noo.. but i got one written for me!!!
Sang to someone for no reason?: lol nope.. there was a reason!
Performed on a stage?: when i was 9 :) Princess and the Pea!
Talked to someone you don't know?: alll the timee!!
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: lol yep
Made out in a theatre?: ahh yesss sooo hottt
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: i dont know how!! :( will someone teach me?
Been in love?: oh yes :) * . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Packer!!
Tell you, I love you?: Gertler :)
Kiss you?: mmm :X
Hug you?: Packer!
Tell you BYE?: Packer! (i guess you can tell i was with him tonight)
Write you a note?: Darryon B!
Take your photo?: Ericcc!! :)
Call your cell phone?: Packerrrr
Buy you something?: Jay Stone
Go with you to the movies?: omg.. so long ago.. my mommmy!
Sing to you?: idk..
Write a poem about you?: Brandon!
Text message you?: Joeyy!!
Touch you?: Packerr!! * . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Gertlers house tongiht.. hilarious
Time you cried?: mm yesterday
Movie you watched?: some drug movie.. so weird
Joke you told?: idk
Song you've sang?: mm lots?
Time you've looked at the clock?: lol right now.. its 4:12.. i like just got home lol
Drink you've had?: Frescaaa! woo
Number you've dialed?: Joeyyy!
Book you've read?: some english book.. NOT my fav. subject..
Food you've eaten?: yummy chips!
Flavor of gum chewed?: Orbit! finally i had gum
Shoes you've worn?: Birkenstocks
Store you've been in?: Clairs!!! no. walgreens!
Thing you've said?: ha.. * . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: nope
Whistle?: yesss im amaazzingg lol
Blow a bubble?: i think Mikey taught me!
Roll your tounge in a circle?: huh?
Cross your eyes?: why would anyone want toooo?
Touch your tounge to your nose?: lol silly
Dance?: oh yes im soo good!
Gleek?: im with Mike.. what?? lol
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: prolly not.. ill end up asleep by like 8 a.m.
Speak a different language?: sortaaa
Impersonate someone?: lol unger ;)
Prank call people?: so over that
Make a card pyramid?: lol all the time
Cook anything?: i should be a TEACHER at culinary school man.. * . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Princess!
I wish ...: i had something that i want back but i cant have it cuzzzzz i just cant.. lol nvm
So many people don't know that ...: im so happy :)
I am ...: Pretty Carly :)
My heart is ...: totally in love with him
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My Interests
I'd like to meet:
someone really sweet :)
i love music. i listen to almost anything!
my favorite movies areee house of wax, saw, 50 first dates, and butterfly effect333333