"The Owl Says Who"
OneWordLong is a novice attempt to capture and popularize sounds not often heard.
I am interested in story tellers, monologues, theater, outsider art, collage, silent film, forgotten sound, found sound, and other creative acts.
I hope you enjoy,
OneWordLong is pleased to present its first release by eclectic auteur Tommy Cannon:
Royalty Free Old Man Coughs
Also still available, AZ in Monsoon Season! I recorded this during a gentle shower, 11 minutes captured outside on two mics--you can hear the drops hit.
Download it here:
Rain In Phoenix-July 9th 2008
Ryan is home, and OWL's 3rd release is now out!
This 40+ min. CD now available at the OneWordLong website
And, if you really want, you can also order a hard copy version of
"What I Did On My Summer Vacation"
These were printed just for the contributing artists, but I've got a couple extra.
It is $6.00 and looks like this:
YOU CAN STILL GET IT FOR FREE! Featuring the talents of Halsey Burgund, Jacob Smigel, The Lost Media Archive, Pete Petrisko, Jackie O, Kevin Patterson, & Archbishop Jason Polland.
Download it here: What I Did On My Summer Vacation
If you download it, please review it to, I'm really interested in what people think of it.