I'm pretty much interested in anything that can make me think. I'm sick of boring friends whose only source of fun and activity is drinking. I'm pretty much over that. I enjoy spending time w/ my boyfriend Andrew, as well as my family. Put me in from of a Sabres game and I'll be happy for hours. I also enjoy going to the games when I can manage a ticket or two. I enjoy writing, (particularly poetry) though I haven't had many good ideas come to me in awhile. I recently bought a new digital camera, and I enjoy taking pictures. I've always loved photography. (particularly b&w photography) A camera and a good subject matter could probably keep me busy all day. I knit, embroider, and read... but that doesn't make me a boring person. I'm pretty much a kid at heart: I bet my coloring book collection is bigger than yours! I love going to the beach, and amusement parks. Nothing beats riding a good roller coaster. I wish I had more friends that enjoyed going out dancing, because that's probably one of my favorite things to do in the world. I plan on taking dancing lessons someday. I enjoy a good song w/ lyrics that move me, and a good movie that leaves me thinking. I wish I had more money to spend on clothes and purses, b/c I'm a fashion-holic. I used to try out different styles all the time when I was younger. Unfortunately, I don't have the time anymore w/ being an "adult" and all. I miss going out for coffee and talking for hours. When I'm home alone and get bored, I like to turn it to Comedy Central and just watch the comedians on there. I love people that can make me laugh. Working w/ kids is probably the most fullfilling thing that a person can do, and I hope to find a good job doing so. I sorta want to make a difference in the world, but I'm taking it one day at a time.
Dane Cook, Josh Holloway, ♥Derek Roy♥ Stephen King, Marilyn Monroe, Edgar Alan Poe, Shakespeare
I have a broad appreciation for music. The Eagles is my all-time favorite band. I could probably listen to them all day. I also love Creedence, Better than Ezra, & Evanescence. I haven't had much time to listen to the radio lately, so I'm beginning to get "out of the loop" so to speak on the newest material. It makes me feel old. I swore I'd never be one of "those" people, but oh well. I enjoy most anything except reggae and techno.
These are probably my favorites: V for Vendetta, The Butterfly Effect, One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest, Donnie Darko, Schindler's List, Se7en, Fight Club, A Beautiful Mind, American Beauty, Pans Labrynth, Sin City, American Psycho, Pulp Fiction, 300. Other extremely good ones: The Notebook, First Knight, The Saw Trilogy, The Girl Next Door, Super Troopers, Wedding Crashers, Blow, All 3 Pirates Movies, Wild Things, Dirty Dancing, Ray, Click, Frequency, Catch me if you Can, A Midsummer Night's Dream, All 3 X-Men Movies, pretty much any Kevin Smith movie, Meet the Fockers, Beauty and the Beast.
LOST is my favorite drama. I've been a Desperate Housewives junkie from day one. Prison Break is also an amazing show that doesn't really get the attention it deserves. I always have been and always will remain a DIE HARD Seinfeld fan. That is the best show to ever air television. Andrew and I have been getting into Scrubs lately; it's hilarious. Family Guy is also a pretty funny show too.
I'm currently working on the Dark Tower by Stephen King... I'm only on book IV so don't spoil anything for me for those of you who've already read it!! A Tale of Two Cities is probably my favorite book. Julie Garwood books are good if you're looking for a romance novel. Shakespeare's works, and Edgar Alan Poe are just classics. I've been addicted to The Harry Potter Series since I was like twelve. Nicholas Sparks' books are also good if you need a good cry.
My siblings: Erika, Cody, and Camden. Anyone that is brave enough to stand up to the man. After recently watching Schindler's List, I'd have to say he deserves hero status. And the servicemen that are out there everyday fighting.