Hey There! This is
Jenn Lawlor, creator
Welcome to my Official
MySpace Page!
If you don’t know me personally yet, you can learn more about me from my personal web site here:
First off, I want to tell you why I’m here on MySpace and then I’m going to share a little bit more about who I am.
I built this profile because I want people to find FREEDOM in their lives.
I want you to wake up to the fact that you have the power and wisdom within you to go out and create the reality you want for yourself.
Not the reality that has come to you through a series of circumstances or “chance†events, but the REAL DEAL...the reality that you carve out for yourself with your intention.
You see, I truly believe that when people unleash the power within themselves, they can CHOOSE the reality they want for themselves. And the life YOU choose when aligned with your human potential is one full of abundance, happiness and meaning beyond your wildest dreams.
So, I’m on a mission, guys and gals…’cause I can imagine what this world will look like when millions of us find our power!!
Happy, fulfilled, connected human beings everywhere :) I’m also here because…
I want to connect with people. I want REAL connections with people that resonate with my message. People who know they are POWERFUL. People who want to grow as human beings, and who want something better for themselves and their fellow human beings.
They just need to find the right teacher who will take them down the path that will get them there.
So let me tell you a bit about who I am…Most importantly, I am a mother and wife. My family is my soul-food. They fill me with inspiration and LOVE .
But rather than talk about their beauty, let me show you:
I was born and raised in Canada and moved to Southeast Alaska in 1997 with my boyfriend, now husband, Zach.
Zach was raised in Alaska. I grew up in the city.
And let me tell you it took quite a bit of adjusting for me to really LOVE living in a small, rural Alaskan town on an island, literally in the middle of the open ocean.
I’ve always been an incredibly passionate and intense person. When I’m doing something, I put my whole being into it and GO FOR IT.
This has, at times, driven the people around me a bit batty - luckily I’ve mellowed quite a bit with age.
Professionally, I’ve worn several hats - Yoga Instructor, Childbirth Educator, Doula, Biologist and currently an Online Marketer.
I’ve always been an entrepreneur. I do best working for myself - this way I have the freedom to create at will.
I began my latest business venture after the birth of my son, Nate. I sort of woke up one day with an overriding sense that if I didn’t do anything about our current situation, we wouldn’t get any closer to our dreams - EVER!
So I started my business with the same intensity that I do just about everything in life. I thought if I poured myself into my work it would surely pay off. I did EVERYTHING my sponsors told me I needed to do - and I didn’t get anywhere.
For 10 months straight, I failed miserably.
But even though I was failing - I knew it, my husband knew it - I kept on going. Everything inside me knew I could succeed. I saw other people working the exact same business that were rich beyond my wildest dreams. I told myself, if they could do it, SO COULD I!!
So I spent the next couple months devouring every bit of knowledge I could find. I soaked it all up - and continue to daily :)
As I started applying my newfound knowledge to my business, I started to see things turn around. Slowly my earnings started to increase and my self-esteem along with it.
Now I have a successful, thriving business. What a powerful feeling it is! And I KNEW this was possible the whole time - even when I was feeling frustrated, pulling my hair out, feeling like giving up.
I just knew that I had the POWER to make this happen!
And guess what?You Also Have This Power Inside Of You...
The question is…what are you going to do about it? Do you continue on living life even if you’re not satisfied with how you’re living?
Or do you step MAJORLY out of your comfort zone, believe in yourself at any cost, and put in any amount of work it takes to get where you need to be?
That’s a question that only gets answered from within YOU. And ultimately what you really want, and how bad you want it, will dictate which path you take. All I can say is ANY amount of happiness, satisfaction, peace, love, and wealth you want is YOURS for the taking when you REALLY REALLY dedicate your entire being to it.
Well, that’s about all for now. Thanks for being here - let’s do stay in touch, ok? I’ve got a newsletter where I will share with you what I’ve learned about creating personal freedom. There’s no fluff about what I share, I give real knowledge to empower you.
You Can Get It Here:
And by all means, send me a message if you would like to connect. Like I said, I am looking to have REAL connections with real people. And I will do my ABSOLUTE best to get back to you, that’s a promise.
Well, have a beautiful day friend! Enjoy yourself...there’s just so much about yourself to enjoy :)
Your friend,
Jenn Lawlor