YoungMisturrâ„¢ profile picture


Your Battleship has Sunk

About Me

Name: Brandan Bay
Hometown: Can you say Chi City?
contacts: Email:[email protected]
yahoo s/n:misturr7o2
aim s/n:YoungMisturr702
This your boy Brandan Bay a.k.a YoungMisturr currently residing in Las Vegas, I dibble Dabble wit just about everything from Music and Beats to Photograhpy and Modling...Im laid back but got a goofy side and like to meet new people so Ladies Dont be shy to say Hi ;)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Not looking for anything serious... been threw that but it's always cool to meet new people!!


I like stuff like common,the roots, mos def, kanye west, lupe, jay-z just to name a few


my a horror junkie any scary movie that come out i gotta go see..wanna come wit me?


i like scrubs, and of course family guy and all that good stuff on cartoon network lol


book???...what the hell is a book?


Spiderman...and my MOM!!