Family, Friends, Sports, Reading, Pool, Bowling, Dancing, Gardening, Painting, Cooking, Shopping, Running around at Wal-Mart... movies!
Yourself or someone like you...
Hmmmm..... I guess 90's rock is my favorite. It's the kind of music I grew up listening to.... you know it's Saturday afternoon, and you're stuck in your room until you clean up everything and not just by dumping it in your closet or under the bed....
Pretty much anything with Tom Hanks, Morgan Freeman, Kevin Spacey, Robin Williams, or possibly Edward Norton. I like movies with interesting characters, great actors, and usually a plot. In addition I absolutely love Groundhog Day and Good Will Hunting- I really have no explanation for them.
Though I suck at keeping any kind of a tv schedule, I tend to find myself watching Gilmore Girls at 4:00. Don't ask.
Pretty much anything by Tess Gerritsen. She was a nurse before she started writing, so most of her work has a stream of medicine flowing through it along with a twisted plot and plenty of suspense.
A dance involving little to no clothing
'How will you be defined in the dictionary?' at