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About Me

Stvari koje zamisljam nisu samo iz moje glave nego i iz mog zivota...i zivota svih nas.u njima se govori o haosima i obmanama.A ima li iceg treceg od cega se sastoji nas zivot?! Samo mi nemojte govoriti o kosmosu i istinama.Te stvari su laki uvod u projekte o propasti ljudskog sveta.PROPAST???Zar nismo vec duboko zasli u nju?Naravno,zelim da i nas strah porpimi vedrinu,ma i ona bila ludacka!Na groteske sveta valja odgovoriti groteskama iz svoje ruke,nagonski,zilavo,jako,ciji mehanizam ne zna za poredak,moral,misteriju,molitvu...Ne klecimo...Ni pred sobom kakvi smo bili!Zahvaljujemo neizrecivoj naopakosti i ludackom Slucaju (Sreca,hm?) i uzasu koji nas pretvara u begunce i izgnanike u svemu i proklinjemo ih onim sto nam je sudjeno! Promasili smo ono sto smo mogli biti a sad pokusavamo da taj promasaj pretvorimo u preimucstvo,u zalihu snage koju bismo stekli da smo pogodili ono sto zasluzujemo!A sta smo mogli biti,to nikad necemo znati...I U TOME SMO JEDINSTVENI!!! Djordju,mojoj najvisoj instanci

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

nekoga ko nema potrebe da nekoga MEET

I'm Not Ashamed To Tell


Take this survey

What brand of underwear you wearing?
my underwear has a BRAND??? :P
How often do you shave your legs?
wax them all the time
How many times do you wear a pair of jeans before washing them?
perhaps too many times
Do you always wash your belly button and behind your ears?
Ever kiss someone who was dating or married to someone else?
not yet
Ever been paid for sex or a sexual favor?
hm...I should start doing that :P
Have you ever egged someones house or car?
not egged,but damaged :P
Ever taken diet pills?
Last time you washed your car?
my car is crying for washing
Have you been fired from a job?
Have you ever had an abortion?
no,but I would if i had to
Did you vote for George W. Bush?
Have you ever stolen something from work or school? If so, What?
books...all the time:)
Ever purposely made yourself throw up?
Last time you played with yourself?
Everyday's activity :P
Have you purposely flirted with a friends crush?
Worst drug or substance you have used or abused?
green plants :P
How often do you drink alcohol?
almost every day
Do you own a dildo or vibrator? If so, what color?
no :( :P
Ever cheated on your taxes?
my father has :P
Have your parents ever been in trouble with the law?
yes :P but WE WON :)
Have you taken money out of the offering plate at church?
I don't go to church
Ever stolen your neighbor's newspaper?
Have you video taped yourself being naughty?
Ever been involved in insurance fraud?
Last time you went to a strip club or nudie bar?
still no :( Waiting Skiathos
Have you ever stolen candy from a baby/kid?
Ever siphon someones gas?
Would you date an ex-con?
Not sure
Have you ever stuck anything up your butt?
???? noooo
Ever tried to make a bomb?
Are you friends with any strippers?
unfortunately no :(
Ever been involved in a hit and run accident?
Have you gotten a DUI or DWI?
Besides bills, what do you spend most your money on?
Have you ever collected unemployment?
Ever stolen someone's lawn ornaments or decorations?
yes :P
Have you ever done anything vile to someone's toothbrush?
using someone's toothbrush is stressing enough for it :P
Ever trespassed on private property?
What is the worst thing you have ever done?
I don't know how to say that in english :P


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