SIFE: Bringing Artist together to Fight Piracy profile picture

SIFE: Bringing Artist together to Fight Piracy

About Me

Dedicated to working with Recording Artist to spread the word about stopping Piracy

Recording Artist deserve the royalties from their creativity and talents

Stop Stealing from them

The Rock Valley College Students In Free Enterprise (RVC SIFE) is a non-profit college student organization.
SIFE, with programs on 1,800 universities in 47 countries, is a business and higher education network that mobilizes university students to utilize knowledge learned in the classroom to implement projects that address real world business and economic issues in their communities.
Watch the Video for this Song Here
The Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) has partnered with Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE) to launch third third annual nationwide anti-piracy public service announcement (PSA) contest for students in SIFE chapters. SIFE’s 900 U.S. chapters submit a creative 60-second anti-piracy PSA as part of an overall campaign to educate local and campus communities about the importance of intellectual property protection. The top three winners receive a monetary prize and potential for national exposure of their PSAs. Last year, the Rock Valley Collge SIFE Team became the first two-year college to ever place in the competition by winning third in the nation. This year's winnng video will be featured on MTV-U on campuses across the nation.
The Rock Valley College SIFE Team has released its 2008 Anti-Piracy Public Service Annoucement (08 Anti-Piracy PSA). The SIFE's 08 Anti-Piracy PSA is a cross-national effort with recording artist and actors to create an inventive method to educate about Piracy. Piracy or "copyright violation" is the unauthorized use of electronic and audio-visual media that is covered by copyright law. Bootleg recordings are musical recordings that have not been officially released by the artist or production companies. The major motion picture studios represented by the MPAA lost $6.1 billion to piracy in 2005. In the same year, it is estimated that over 1.2 Billion bootleg CD's were sold by individuals around the world. Individuals illegally downloading copyrighted material from the Internet can face fines that range from $30,000 to $150,000.
Over 80 percent of Piracy is committed by individuals under the age of 29, typically high school or college students. RVC SIFE crafted an Anti-Piracy message in the form of music, particularly in the Hip-hop genre, which is one of the biggest in music industry among the target group. This approach expanded SIFE's reach from television to radio, as well as the internet. "You Can Click, But You Can't Hide" is a hot hip-hop track which talks directly to individuals about using their own intellect and stop stealing that of others. Recording Artist Mass Destruction from Charlotte, North Carolina and Singer/Actress Luciana from Chicago, Illinois donated their time and talents to RVC SIFE to help produce the song. Part of the RVC SIFE Team travelled to Charlotte, NC during the summer to work in the recording studio with the two rappers from Mass Destruction and to film part of the music video. The remaining production was completed with Singer/Actress Luciana on the Rock Valley College campus utilitizing its Mass Communications faculities. Luciana was filmed on location at RVC to feature the college. SIFE Student Tia Smith engineered the final soundtrack.

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Member Since: 2/24/2008
Band Website:
Band Members: Credits:

Video/Editing Production:
Kevin Kilgore, RVC SIFE

Music Engineers:
Rasil Amir ODIA Studios in Charlotte, NC
Tia Smith, RVC SIFE

Mass Destruction of Charlotte, NC
(Rico Bennett and Ricky "Woo" Medlin)
Luciana of Chicago, IL/Atlanta, GA

Shoot Locations:
Rock Valley College Campus
Various locations Rockford, IL
Kerasotas Theatres - Rockford, IL
ODIA Studios in Charlotte, NC
Independence Park, Charlotte, NC

Special Thanks to:
Rock Valley College Mass Communication Dept.
Street Dreamaz Entertainment
Kerasotas Theatres - Rockford, IL
Power 98 - Charlotte, NC
J-KnowTruth of Street Dreamaz Entertainment
Recording Artist Royal-Tee (Street Dreamaz Entertainment)
NCSC Carolina Mix Tape hosted by Luck Bone
Steven Ray Bennett
Angela Walker

Video Appearances:
Recording Artist Luciana
Rico Bennett (Mass Destruction)
Ricky "Woo" Medlin (Mass Destruction
P.T. (Kween City Recording Artist)
C-Ghost (Kween City Recording Artist)
Ro Jackson (Kween City Recording Artist)
Renaldo Cooper
Roberto Hernandez
Skylar Heckler
Brendan Nied
Devin Savage

Influences: Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA)
Record Label: Unsigned

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