Man I loooovvvvveeeee taking pictures! Check these out!
Pictures of my B-DAy Party...thanks Cliff!
Get to Know Me
...About You...
Nickname Spree.....fRag!le
Sex femme!
Eye Color brown
Hair Color black
Height 5'2
Favorite Color purple
Screen Name 1fRag!leDykke
Your Car ...hey!
Your Hometown Port City...yep
Your Present Town D-Town, TX
Your Crush's First Name yall tryna get me fucked up
Your Grade Junior
Your Style retro.
Band The Fray
Movie Set it Off...Antwoine Fisher
TV show The Wire...L Word
Song Turn the Page...Bobby Valentino
Color didnt ii just answer this question?!
Cigarette none...ii dont smoke squares
Pastime lol....wouldnt u like to kno
...Have You Ever...
Sat on your rooftop yea....but was scared to get down
Kissed someone in the rain yea
Danced in a public place all the time
Smiled for no reason EVERYDAY
Laughed so hard you cried indeed
Peed your pants after age 8 noooooo
Written a song yea..
Sang to someone for no reason yea
Performed on a stage yea..for church
Talked to someone you don't know yea
Made out in a theater of course
Gone roller skating since 8th grade lol....yea
Been in love =D
A near death experience i dont wanna go there
Sang in front of a large audience yea
...Can You...
Write with both hands no
Whistle yes
Blow a bubble yea
Roll your tongue im a lesbian...what u expect?!?!
Cross your eyes yea
Touch your tongue to your nose na...but im workin on it!
Dance indeed
Speak a different language not fluently
Impersonate someone yea
Cook anything Spaghetti
...Are you...
Fighter when i need 2 b
Smoker yea...i get full of that grinch
Drinker yea!
Stalker HELL NO
Man eater no
Man hater no
Lover indeed
War freak =-|
Heartbreaker unfortunately
In love yea
Bossy na...imma BOSS
Friendly yea
What is your current mood? ELATED
Does your crush like you back? what crush?
What makes you happy? my money!
Elaborate on your default photo me layin in the bed lookn 2 qute today...
Name one thing you do a lot smile!
Name someone with the same b-day as you Smurf...Frances....Tasha..Simone
Are you comfortable with your height yea..i luv it!
...Finish The Line...
If I were a ... Superhero!
I wish ... I could go to the moon
So many people don't know ... my real name
I am ... REAL
My heart is ... with her....
Pet Peeves ... nasty teeth....polyphonic ringtones
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I'd like to meet:
My Chel-C....check ha out...she hawt!!!
She got on a onezii...LMAO...thats my nigga tho!
Showin off dem leggs.....