Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor
My interests are; Spending time with my daughter. Anything to do with outdoors stuff. Anything to do with sports and competitions. Playing on my Xbox, and Xbox live. Playing on my computer.
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I like most kinds of music. Metallica is my fav. band.
My fav movies are: Team America, Pirates of the Carribean, both movies, the Chronicles of Riddick, Pitch black, Fast and the Furrious movies, The Last Samurai, Troy. and all of Adam Sandler's movies.
Fav show are; The Simpsons South Park Family Guy Futurama CSI Miami Dog the Bounty Hunter
don't read too many books so ya, only fav's i have are the LOTR books.
What the hell is a heroe anyway?