My family time most of all but I also love spending time with friends, movies, music, long walks, hiking, swimming.I also love being involved in anything that has to do with animals, My favorite animal of couse being the "TIGER"
Anyone who is just looking to make a good friend and have someone to chat around with!
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All kinds!!! Espically anything with Mary J. Blige! And my lovely HUNK LL Cool JRBD Tu Amor Music Videos With Lyrics And Codes
Any good movie will do!
American Idol, Smallville, and ER kinda shows!
I have so many but I will name a few!1. My Mom... for she is the most amazing woman in this world to me, she is not only my Mom but my best friend. I am so blessed to have someone I can look up to and talk to about anything anytime and know that she will always be there ready to listen!2. My kids...they are truly the light of my life, and with only just one giggle from them they could light up a room. Though they are growing up so fast they will always be Mommy's little boys!3. My husband... God only knows how he deals with me half the time, but he always there with me throgh thick and thin being the wonderful supportive husband and father that he is.4. Last but not least is ALL of our US Militray, for without them we would no longer be the land of the free, So may God bless them and look over them always but espically in their time of need.