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About Me

"What Are We Here For. . . We're All Here To Go. . . Thats What We're Here For. . . To. . . GO !"
William S. Bourroughs


..As a super-saturated solution cools. . . the cosmos congeals. . .The universe crystallizes. . . as stars lose their luster. . . Orbits freeze in entropy. . . Implosion is Inevitable. . . the fabric of an atomic/molecular mesh loosens it's weave. . . The impact of Reverse-Osmosis. . . causes a trembling in Buddha's groin. . . Daemons defy the lower chakras. . . taunting karma with variants. . . By definition. . . the End is Here. . . Life and Death. . . though in opposition. . . symbiotic in relative aspect. . . A fine balance. . . a thin line. . . Crash and burn and be re-born. . . Unstable atoms collide. . . emitting radiation. . . as neutrons, protons and electrons. . . dissipate. . . into the universe's entropy. . . 4013 December 23. . . listen to the sucking of a universe. . . in reverse big-bang. . . Three Electrons. . . Three Protons. . . Three Neutrons. . . Un-Stable. . ! "Yes, it is all swirling Stardust, as the gods steal the rings around Saturn!" Robber-Barons of outer-space. . . greedily devour the galaxies. . . and sell pinwheel nebulae at the Andromeda Quadrant Fair. . . PUNX wielding particle-accelerators. . . did a hover-by at the Inter-Galactic Mall in Solar System z675. . . on Wednesday. . . the Stainless Steel Sentry. . . were called out. . . to subdue the ensuing riots. . . the Inter-Galactic Security Service. . . interrogated the onlookers simultaneously. . . via Cranial-Chip-Implants. . . no Profiles were established. . . and No Arrests were made. . .
"It is far better to grasp the Universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."-- Carl Sagan..


Destination Venus. . .
Don't forget your Penus. . . We're not interested in Uranus. . ... "Life is an interstellar communication network. Life is disseminated through the galaxies in the form of nucleotide templates. These "seeds" land on planets, are activated by solar radiation, and evolve nervous systems. The bodies which house and transport nervous systems and the reproductive seeds are constructed in response to the atmospheric and gravitational characteristics of the host planet, the crumbling rock upon which they momentarily rest....The human being is the robot carrier of a large brain, conscious of being conscious. A robot designed to discover the circuitry which programs its behavior. The nervous system is the instrument of consciousness. When mankind discovered the function and infinite capacities of the nervous system, a mutation took place. The metamorphosis from larval earth life to a higher destiny. The person who has made this discovery.....becomes a time traveler. The genetic goal is communication. Telepathy. Electronic Sexuality. Reception and transmission of electromagnetic waves. The erotics of resonance. The entire Universe is gently, rhythmically, joyously vibrating. Cosmic Intercourse......" - Neuro-Politics - Timothy Leary ..

My Interests

Copyright C.Ursitti 2005Click Gif To Access Chris Ursitti

.. Click Cube Faces - Art By Chris Ursitti.. Click Cube Faces - Art By Alex Grey

Alien worms flow. . . out of molten magma. . . freezing in the ozone. . . into pipes of hot lava. . . Venting steam as carbon-monoxide. . . ocean boils and roils. . . bubbling sulphur di-oxide. . . New amoebae. . . bacteria. . . spawn at the break of dawn. . . algae. . . fungae. . . emerge in the Tropic of Cancer. . . The Galapagos springs forth indigenous flora and fauna. . . unique to the aboriginal forest. . . it's about to become. . . A meteor shower penetrates. . . and impregnates the jungle. . . creating craters of primordial soup. . . caldrons stewing viruses. . . Brewing. . . Life Re-Newing. . ...

Click Pic To Access InfiniteSpiral
Click Pic To Access Claudia Hek
..Cosmic Genius - Paul Laffoley

I'd like to meet:



Random thoughts race corridors of post cerebral cortex. . . like electricity coursing through electrodes. . . my neurons fire haphazard. . . synapse gaps snapping. . . like dreams overlapping. . . the brain cannot dissect. . . Truth from Phantasy. . . as little demons grind in the hall. . . Jacob's Ladders, hiss and crackle. . . as neon and blacklight glow. . . My Museum. . . My Mind. . . one entity of solemn soul. . . The music is the rattle of the cage. . . the cage, my subconcious urge to internalize. . . I rattle and reject the cage. . . pour myself upon the page. . . the page turns like a worm. . . and the worm turns like a snake eats it's tail. . . and I am breaking out. . . I arm wrestle the gods for my freedom. . . one on one with the universe. . . the cosmos circles the heavens. . . the sparkle of bright winking stars. . . halo for eternity. . . atom for atom. . . the electrons embrace. . . as photons race through space. . . from my place and outward to space. . . the void undulates. . . expanding. . . then collapsing. . . internal combustion. . . imploding super nova. . . igniting the epidermic atomic/molecular fabric. . . the molten mesh swirls and spues gaseous matter. . . hurling and radiating. . . light years of travel. . . before it warms my face. . . upon my face in my place. . . I feel the fabric. . . I touch the lace. . . double weave of synchronicity. . . entwined in electron's embrace. . . inter-locking fingers. . . walking hand in hand. . . strut starscape. . . late night. . . early morn. . . Love lorn lost lovers. . . Sun and Moon chase. . . the zenith's arc. . . the planets revolve this axis. . . and rule the actions of man. . . the weight and gravity. . . pulling, tugging and pushing. . . tides rise and fall. . . ebb and flow. . . in and out. . . coming and going. . . from here to there and back. . . unfolding. . . enveloping. . . encompassing all in a wall. . . the curvature of space. . . as photons race. . . and electrons embrace. . .

.. Doors of Perception - The Caliphate of Cordova


JIMI, ESQUIVEL: Space Age Batchelor Pad Music, Surf Music, Punk, The Dictators, Rockabilly, Cramps, Rezillos, Revillos, Buzzcocks, X-Ray Specs, Alien Sex Fiend, Thrill Kill Kult, The Dickies, B52's, Devo, Cabaret Voltaire, Joy Division, Future Sound Of London, Spacemen 3, Orbital, Psychic TV, Kraftwerk, Trans Am, Chemical Brothers, The Crystal Method, Sigur Ros, Man or Astroman, The Space Agency, Sampling Life, Atomic Swindlers, Baberellas, the Voices, Loungeclash, Loop Guru, B-Monster

Click Pic To Access The Voices

Click Pic To Access Loop Guru

Click Pic To Access B-MONSTER

Click Gif To Access Mississippi Alligators



..Mighty Mouse, Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent, Thunderbirds, Stingray, Jonny Quest, The Jetsons, The Banana Splits, H.R. Pufnstuf, Lost In Space, Gigantor, Speed Racer, Ultraman, Space Ghost, Pee Wee's Playhouse, Ren and Stimpy, Futurama, Aeon Flux, Bing and Bong's Tiny Planet, Invader Zim

Bing and Bong's Tiny Planet


.. ..



My Blog

TREKS. . . TRAILS. . . Tales. . . and Travails. . .

In 24 hours. . . I'll Be Doin' Somethin'. . . Here. . . While Not Illegal. . . Entirely Covert!!! Re-Entry. . . at Ground Zero. . . The Eagle Has Landed. . . no golf tournements on the moon. . . ...
Posted by Cosmos on Tue, 12 Dec 2006 02:54:00 PST

Slavic. . . Maybe. . .

no savior of souls. . . no replicant saint of souls. . . only the illusion of democracy. . . feeding the innocent to the wound. . . hatred. . . yes an emotion. . . disgust in human behavior. . . in...
Posted by Cosmos on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 08:24:00 PST

In Your better interest. . .

You don't know me. . . but you fear me the most. . . I am death. . . and I breathe life into your dreams. . . hhhhffffttt. . . Breath into your lungs. . . and I receive your life. . . the children ...
Posted by Cosmos on Wed, 22 Nov 2006 08:11:00 PST


I could fly around the world. . . Go up. . . and never come down. . . A man without a country. . . A man without a friend. . . a lonely Man. . . I am. . . my worst enemy. . . and my only friend. . . I...
Posted by Cosmos on Thu, 07 Sep 2006 03:10:00 PST

VIBRATIONS. . . Skins. . .

While I find most Earth technology. . . Primitive. . . Its all I have to Grasp. . . This Bone in my hand. . . this stick. . . Poking in My sides. . . Like a Thorn. . . in the Lions Paw. . . Adept yet ...
Posted by Cosmos on Tue, 30 May 2006 03:40:00 PST

NUCLEAR. . . Distraction. . .

Kindred spirits. . . detached by time and space. . . a waste of motions. . . across great oceans. . . divided like atoms. . . in a nuclear age. . . if we were to make contact. . . an explosion. . . an...
Posted by Cosmos on Fri, 05 May 2006 04:06:00 PST


Another Week-End. . . Seekin'. . . wreakin'. . . of Pearls. . . Swine. . . and Roses. . . Poses. . . Liquored Loquacious. . . . "In the Liar's Club". . . at the Pub. . . a drunken Choir. . . at the Re...
Posted by Cosmos on Sat, 29 Apr 2006 02:55:00 PST

INTERNATIONAL. . . Incest. . .

Don't buy French Satelites. . . The English Have. . . No Flash-Lights. . . Strikes. . . and Torches. . . End in the Rain. . . Awed World. . . Betwixt. . . Tongue and Braces. . . Haltered. . . and Rein...
Posted by Cosmos on Thu, 27 Apr 2006 12:38:00 PST

FORE. . . Shadowed. . .

One Fire. . . Big Bang. . . Fired Synapse Gaps. . . Lapse. . . Rock Steady. . . Blast Off. . . Caps. . . Carreening On Bottle-Rocket's Flare. . . Another Dare. . . to Stare. . . into the. . . Sun. . ....
Posted by Cosmos on Tue, 25 Apr 2006 04:58:00 PST

GOOD NIGHT. . . Sweet Prince. . .

If you want to make. . . a Killing. . . hire a Murderer. . . Mercenary. . . but don't expect. . . to bring Him. . . Back. . .  to a Lonely Outpost. . . without Bloodlust. . . on your Hands. ...
Posted by Cosmos on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 01:07:00 PST