In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.
Love is an irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.
-Robert Frost
Music, Climbing, Computers, Choas.
"Real Topeka People"
Jack Johnson, Incubus, Afi, Coldplay, RJD2, SavesTheDay, Atmosphere, Jurassic 5, Dj Revolution, Modest Mouse, BuiltToSpill, Red Hot Chili Peppers; But thats only a few.
Snatch,Lock Stock And Two Smoking Barrels,Fight Club, Forrest Gump, Jerry Mcguire, Big Lebowski, Sandlot, Somethings Gotta Give, About A Boy, The Life Aquatic, Zoolander, Caddyshack, Office Space.
Who Needs It.
Clockwork Orange, by Anthony Burgess.The Reader,very good book,but i dont read very much at all.
My Mother; She Does Everything. My Little Sister; She Perseveres Through Her Illness.