Plate is founded this word- - can translate the able jail in LIMBO in 2003. That the person shows appreciation mainly is the place referring to the hell border- - group of soul living in Heaven and hell perch. We think of succeed in making up ground brand, liberty- - considers very much problems very much unnecessarily. Self wants to do the feeling having made complete acting on self's own- right away- melting- - us being fond of ground. The band is that we have not certainly needed completely freely- - use other come to restrain a band- the thing- we also will be very happy- if the band finds the company- who competes with each other in LIMBO being suitable to them more-- we want to be heard by more people only.
newsï¼The issue of Pungent Liquid is out nowï¼Band Septicaemia first EP is out now! lable Limbogrindproductionæ–°