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About Me

“Trouble At The Drive-In”The sky is gray and it will be
raining soon and we’re waiting in line
for the drive-in, the one on 8 Mile,
the border between Detroit and Warren and the anger
is stewing just like always, every day
guns pointed at our dumb heads, every day
somebody else dumb enough to pull the trigger
because we’re man, mad and sick and dumb
and we’re gonna get ourselves a little piece of something
even if it means taking it away from someone else
who don’t have much, or else we’re sick and tired
of everybody taking like that, so we’re gonna
protect ourselves, by God, through God
don’t seem to help much here—He’s getting ripped
off too—and we all want to have our say
one way or another, so there’s a lot of guns
in a lot of hands, yes, I’m thinking all this here
as it starts to pour, fucking rain like crazy,
and I say fuck to let you know I mean
business, just like when I carry a gun,
so it’s fucking raining like and if you don’t like it
then fucking get lost because I’m still going
to the movies—a Clint tripleheader—
Fistful, Few Dollars More, and Good/Bad/Ugly,
and all these good, bad, ugly people are leaning
on their horns and some asshole cuts his car into the line
up front and this big fat guy gets out of his car and runs
up to that car and he’s screaming fuck you
so he means business, and he’s pounding on the windows
yanking on the door, and he’s getting soaked,
but he don’t give a fuck, he is me and he is you,
and the guy in the car is me and you
and we’re all kicking each other’s asses
while the bosses are safe and dry
in Grosse Pointe or West Bloomfield or wherever
the fuck they live, laughing at New Yorker cartoons
and thinking Woody fucking Allen is a genius, let me
tell you, Clint ain’t no genius, but I understand
his movies, and I understand what’s going on
up ahead, and I’m hearing sirens, and me and you,
we’re in this together, buddy, just a couple of dummies
like those two up there, and nobody’s letting us in
and nobody’s getting out, and it’s only a matter of time
till somebody pulls a gun.--Jim Daniels

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

some good, bad, ugly people.

My Blog

my poetry portfolio

So, I've decided to put up the poems I included in my poetry portfolio for college for your viewing. In Memory of a Man Who Loved his Wife and KetchupHer walk is like a three legged dogshe takes my or...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Nov 2006 20:52:00 GMT

They are getting good at this...

Now my parents don't even warn me days ahead of time as to when we are going upstate. Instead my mum tells me on the phone "Oh yeah and when I pick you up you have to come home and pack because we are...
Posted by on Fri, 01 Oct 2004 20:53:00 GMT


Ah....darn terry stirred up a curiosity at the mentioning that predator might be in my house so I dipped my finger on the top and tried some. It was hot but the worst came later. I was sitting at the ...
Posted by on Tue, 14 Sep 2004 21:24:00 GMT

a rock - rock - rock a billy boogie

Now Ill have to admit that I feel a bit intimidated writing on this since most of the participants are much older than I am. Youll probably all have fun ridiculing my grammar and going Ha! Naive Li...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Aug 2004 10:12:00 GMT