Myspace Layouts / Goth girl / Hot Comments / Image Hosting
About you!
Full name?: Jordan
Age?: 21
Age (how old do you look)?: I look older than I actually am, or so everyone says.
Where are you right now?: Shawnee, Kansas
Hometown?: Newcastle, Australia
Siblings?: Daylan, Matthew, Chelsie, Desire and Kalista
House or Apartment?: Apartment
Nicknames?: Jordie, Jay
Lefty or righty?: Righty
Have you ever?
Stayed on the phone for more than 5 hours?: Yes
Kissed in the rain?: Yes
Gone skinny dipping?: Nope
Stolen?: Yes
Gotten in a fight?: Yes
Gone streaking?: Nope
Made out in a car?: Yes
Had Sex?: Yes
Had Sex Outside?: Yes, but not by choice.
Wanted someone that didn't want you?: Yes
Made a wish on 11:11 that came true?: Nope
Feel in love?: Yes
Cheat on someone?: Nope
Been cheated on?: Yes
Watched Gossip Girl?: No
Been tickled so much you peed a little?: HAHA No.
Kissed someone you barely knew?: Yes
Went on pity date?: Nope
Been called a slut?: Yes
Taken a naked photo of yourself?: Topless pics.
Sent it?: Yes
Ran till you threw up?: No
Hurt yourself playing sports?: Yes, all the fucking time.
Snuck out?: Never had to, my mum was pretty cool about everything.
Been to a concert?: Yes
Smoked?: Yes
Done hard drugs?: Yes
Blacked out?: A few times
Missed someone so much you cried?: Yes
Played Guitar Hero?: No
Danced on a bar?: Yes
Dyed you hair a crazy color?: Yes
Want plastic surgery?: Yes, I wouldn't mind my boobs being the same fucking size.
Gotten a surprise party?: Nope
Cooked?: Yes, all the time
Played spin the bottle?: Nope
Kissed someone of the same sex?: Yes (Um, I FUCKING LOVE GIRLS)
Wore white someone where you were going to get wet?: Nope
Been in a talent show?: Nope
Gone Camping?: Never, and I never will
Played Manhunt?: No? I don't even know what that is
Dumped someone?: Yes
Told someone you loved them?: Yes
Hated someone?: Yes
Made someone cry?: Yes ^_^
Screamed in a library?: Nope
Been sunburned?: God yes
Gotten a anonymous love letter?: Nope
Been some ones Valentine?: Yes
Listened to a song that made you miss your ex?: No
Been on a plane?: Yes, several times, I love flying!
Been to a nude beach?: Yes. In all fairness, I didn't know it was a nude beach!
Been hungover?: Yes
Been kicked out of a mall?: Nope
Done a body shot?: Yes
Been to a club?: Yes
Hid behind someone's back in a movie theater because you were scared?: Nope
Made out in a movie theater?: Nope
Laughed so hard you cried?: Yes, that happens alot!
Sung in the shower?: Yes
Tanned topless?: Nope
Watched porn?: Yes
Created porn?: No
Left a movie early because it sucked?: No
Went on a diet?: Yes, I am kind of on one right now.
Been in a long distance relationship?: Yes
Stayed up all night?: Yes
Had a sleepover with your boyfriend/girlfriend?: Yes
Shot an animal?: No
Saw a fight?: Yes
Hooked up with someone 5 years or more older then you?: Yes
Been in a car crash?: No, a few prangs, nothing serious
Had a sex dream about a teacher?: No
Been a model?: No
Been in love with Megan Fox?: If by "in love" you mean wanting to punch her in her fucking mouth, then yes.
Ran into something while being men to someone?: No
Been called a butterface?: No
Shopped at Holister?: No
Been Scared to go into a Hot topic?: HAHA no
Gauged a piercing?: Yes
Pierced something yourself?: Yes
Gotten a tattoo?: Yes, several!
Danced in the Rain?: No
Gone bowling?: Yes
Licked someone's face?: Yes
Been walked in on?: No
Played hockey?: No
Gone Swimming in all your clothes?: Yes
Been pushed into a pool with your cell phone?: No
Worked?: Yes
Needed to pee, but were to lazy to get up?: HAHA yeah. I always end up getting up though.
Taken a picture in a dressing room?: No
Been dumped?: Yes
Lost your keys?: Frequently
Run away?: No
Been to jail?: No
Been in a Mosh PIT?: No
Celebrated 4/20?: Yes
Prank called someone?: Yes
Food?: Sushi, Mexican, Thai
Color?: Purple, black, red, grey
Sent?: Rain
Tv show?: Robot Chicken
Book?: The Heroin Diaries
Eye color?: Blue
Type of music?: Metal, alt rock
Stores?: SHOE STORES! Even though I'm not allowed in them with my wallet.
Piercing?: On myself? My tongue.
Feature of the opposite sex?: Eyes
Game?: Honestly, Truth or Dare
Item that you own?: My goddess pendant that my mum bought for me
Thing to do?: SLEEP
Person kissed?: Will
Persons house you partied at?: My last place in Orem. Partied by myself with my cats. (I am a crazy cat lady)
Text sent to?: Nikki
Text Received from?: Nikki
Place visited?: Memphis
Person Missed?: My mum :( I miss her everyday (No she's not dead. She lives in Utah)
People seen?: Will
Person called?: My mum
Person messaged on .. I don't use AIM
Person hugged?: Will :)
Activity?: Um, myspace might kick me off if I say.
Movie watched?: God that was a long time ago. I don't remember
Book read?: Level Thumps and the Whispered Secret
Website visited?: This one
Thing you ate?: Mac N Cheese
How do you feel about?
Balloons: They're ok.
Sports: I love soccer.
Music: Some people need to never be allowed to make it!
Smart people: You got a problem with smart people, motherfucker?
PDA: Prefer not to see it
School: I actually loved school
Fat people: I am fat, fuck off.
French people: I like French people.
Relationships: :)
Love at first sight: Who cares?
11:11: Bull
Sleeping: Nothing better than sleeping. NOTHING! Except sleeping with someone. That's much better.
Video Games: I get frustrated because I can't finish them. Then I get mad and say they suck.
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