Breathe Anew Booking & Management profile picture

Breathe Anew Booking & Management

About Me

The Mission Statement
Breathe Anew Management & Booking is a new company based out of Chambersburg Pennsylvania. The first goal is seeing authentic musicians reach their audiences with talented, passionate and spirit filled music based upon Jesus Christ’s teachings of FAITH, HOPE and LOVE.
Our artists have an unquenchable desire to not only share their music, but to share their hearts with everyone they interact with. It is our desire as a company to bring only the best artists to your attention. These artists all have proven to us that they have a strong work ethic, diligent determination to be heard, and positive - uplifting attitudes.
- To develop bands into strong successful artists who are recognized and known for their integrity, passion and musical talent
- To foster and strengthen spirit-filled ministry bands equipping them to minister to their audiences through their music as a group and as individuals
- To develop strong touring bands and to book strong tours
Please note:
We work exclusively with
Our bands that are under contract
Aneirin & Failure to Excel
August 18th - Lynchburg VA
August 19th - Memphis TN
August 20th - Anywhere NC
August 21st - Anywhere NC
August 22nd - The Unknown Venue, Greenville South Carolina
August 23rd - Northern GA
August 24th - Atlanta GA
August 25th - Jacksonville Florida
August 26th - Ocala Florida
August 27th - Lawrencville GA
August 28th - Anywhere AL
August 29th - Anywhere AL
August 30th - Rocketown, Nashville, TN
August 31st - Bulldog Cafe, Lousville, KY
September 1st - Anywhere WV
For concert hosting contact:

My Interests


Member Since: 2/23/2008
Band Members:


Adam Gettel
Founder - Manager - Booking Agent
717-552-6781 (mon - sat)
[email protected]

Emily Ashlin
Street Team Coordinater
[email protected]

Chris Strater
Street Team Coordinater
[email protected]

Joel Davis
Art Director - Graphic Design

Sounds Like:
Record Label: shopping
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

What were all about

The music industry is a running out of steam and getting really old really quick. It's hard to find authentic musicians who have an authentic love for not only their music but also their audiences! I...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 23:46:00 GMT