Switch n´ Source profile picture

Switch n´ Source

About Me

------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------Projeto de Progressive Trance na linha de 130 a 135 bpm, formado por Leandro Monteiro a.k.a Switch e Vinícius Correia a.k.a Source, com influencias de projetos como: Ace Ventura, Son Kite, Liquid Soul, Perfect Stranger, Lish, FREq, Ticon, etc. Além de outras vertentes da musica eletronica progressiva.
Progressive Trance Project in the line of 130 to 135 bpm, formed by Leandro Monteiro a.k.a Switch and Vinícius Correia a.k.a Source, with influences of projects such as: Ace Ventura, Son Kite, Liquid Soul, Perfect Stranger, Lish, FREq, Ticon, etc.. In addition to other aspects of the eletronic music progressive. ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------------

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Dj Set Mix Abril:
http://rapidshare.com/files/104703597/SnS_April_Set.zip.html ..

My Interests


Member Since: 23/02/2008
Band Website: http://www.orkut.com/Profile.aspx?uid=171430621500
Band Members: : :

Influences: GOOD Music
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: Indie

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