About Me
K.A.T.I.E...I'm crazy, outgoing, fun to be around, happy most of the time..piss me off and ill piss you off back, its like the old saying goes, dont get mad get even..I'm a democrat and I feel strongly about those things..I'm crazy and fun to be around and totally random, some are afraid to be around me because i'll "ruin there rep." I like to have fun, and I'm not afraid to try new things, as long as I agree with them. Most of the time my mind is out there, you say one thing I'll see another..I'm obsessed with piercings, I have 7 in each ear and a belly button and nose ring..I love body art, but I hate makeup. Dont need it, dont wear it. I hate dresses and skirts and anything girly.. I love music. Life is music, without it I'd be dead and so would the world and the earth that we live on..I love writing it frees my mind and lets my mind wander..Guitars are fun to play with and I do..Drugs are bad and I wont do them..Even if you pay me..I have morals and I try to keep them. I'm waiting til I'm married whether you think I can or not. I try to keep promises as hard as it may be. I try not to hurt, because when you hurt it comes right back to you. I'm a full believer in Karma.Watch your back its there. I believe in God, hes the #1 in my life..If you have a problem with that I dont care.I speak my mind and sometimes hurt and I hate myself for it. I love sugar and I think its one of lifes natural chemicals that ya need or else your going to be boring. I hate boring things. I love the colors red and black, they make me happy. My cell phone is always with me. without it im insane, literally. I love country music, if you think its wrong, your wrong. its me i like it. I'm a redneck and a hick, its the way i am and I dont care. my feelings get hurt. but i usually get over it. I hold grudges too much but they easily slide later on. I'm a jealous little bitch when it comes to my one true love and I'll go to the ends of the earth for him. hes mine. Theres nothing women cant do that men can.Got a problem with it? Tough!....
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My Blog
msb & other stuff.
So, I'm aplying for the most expensive thing I have ever applied for in my life. Well, I already applied for the school, but I'm signing up for my classes today. I'm really nervous! I don't want to...
Posted by on Thu, 05 Mar 2009 03:16:00 GMT
general random blogage....
So yeah, ignore the last two posts I had up here... Medical is NOT me! Found that out in some of my classes, but I would have rather found out sooner than later.. I'm starting at MSB this April, so o...
Posted by on Tue, 03 Mar 2009 15:28:00 GMT
2009 and feelin’ fine!!
So yeah... 2008 is OVER!!!!!!!!!! THANK GOD!!!!! It just seemed like it dragged on and it had so many bad events in it. yes it had good ones, but the bad ones just kept coming and coming.... the...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jan 2009 04:32:00 GMT
I’m not scrooge... Really, I’m not.
As the holidays are quickly approaching... I find myself only wanting one thing. My dad back.. Sure, I had a huge list of things I would like to get that I need.. but those trinkets don't ...
Posted by on Tue, 16 Dec 2008 07:38:00 GMT
...whats the point?
So... in life.. People make promises.. Why? What's the point of a promise? Especially when you can't keep it. You are supposed to be someone that I can trust, that I can turn t...
Posted by on Mon, 17 Nov 2008 16:27:00 GMT
long ramblings.. bla bla bla
so... life... it's been pretty crazy lately... haha it's actually quite funny.... School.... yeah, I've missed a few classes... There's this thing called sleep, and it's been taking over my life...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 15:12:00 GMT
the debate & other political ramblings
Yes, I vent about politics in this blog, yes its obvious who I am for. Get over it!!! So, I'm laughing histarically on the inside!!! Seriously... McCain, you have got to be kidding me... I have ...
Posted by on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 06:14:00 GMT
Honestly, this is going to be very very very long...... I feel like rambling... and here it goes...... *sigh*Life is full of so many different things, so many complex things... I love to be the kind o...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Sep 2008 06:03:00 GMT
So work was good. We were pretty busy... There was a line and I worked at the financing table getting everyone signed up for credit cards.. That was pretty mellow. After the first ho...
Posted by on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 18:38:00 GMT
oh myspace...
How I love thee..... I NEVER THOUGHT I'D SAY THAT!!!!! But facebook is STUPID..........At least I can understand this damn thing..... I think my keyboard is broke though...damn it.. my tab button. of ...
Posted by on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 20:10:00 GMT