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----BG---- MyGen Profile Generator ----TA---- MyGen Profile Generator ----TE---- MyGen Profile Generator ----SC---- MyGen Profile Generator ----OT---- MyGen Profile Generator ---- -------- -------- The excavations and anthropological pieces demonstrate that Iraq used to be stable at ancient ages, starting from the fourth millennium B.C, and given the resources of the land of Iraq, and the specific geographical characteristics, it was one of the first peaceful lands of humanity in the world. The human civilization first emerged as an outstanding agricultural and craftwork civilization, when man discovered fire and how to make it and learned about pottery and its rudimentary instruments.The Germo site, near Jamjamal, is a model agricultural village in the north of Iraq. Excavations revealed traces of a 16-storey building, of which the 5 upper floors contain the most ancient historical pieces of pottery manufacturing in Mesopotamia.The urbanisation started gaining the southern part of the country by the year 4000 B.C. Excavations in southern Iraq revealed that (Tall Al-abid), a site situated at 4 miles north west from the city of Ur, is the most ancient urbanized metropolis in this area. However, the civilizational fundamentals and characteristics did not reach their acme until the following era- the Warkaa era- that was characterized by the emergence of cylindrical seals, the mastaba, ornamental sculpturing and the oldest means of writing. -------- -------- -------- The Sumerian civilization (2850-2400 B.C) in Iraq, is one of the earliest human civilizations that left behind it an ancient heritage. Sumerians are among the oldest people who were able to lay the first foundations of civilization in the southern part of ancient Iraq, known as the land of Sumer. Manuscripts were also discovered describing the exploits of the Sumerian civilization, such as the invention of writing, architectural stoneworks, dexterity in pottery manufacturing, and other civilizational aspects. This era is also characterized by the emergence of the first Sumerian dynasties that formed political regimes, known as “city states”. The monuments remaining from this civilization are found in various cities of Iraq, such as Kich, “Tall al Uhaimir”, Tall Karsou, Touloul al Habaa (Lakchi), Achbouna (Tall Ahmar), Ourouk (al Warkaa), Yanbour (Nafer), Aridou (Abou Shahrine) and others It was on the shores of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and their delta that the first cities and civilization centres developed in the world. That is where man first attempted to write, develop formal education systems and elaborate legislative systems. It was also the dawn of discoveries in areas such as medicine, chemistry, mathematics, astronomy, creativity in arts, literature and the blooming of commerce, craftwork and others. These advances installed the pillars on which stood the ancient Iraqi civilization throughout the following eras. King Goudea (2120-2111 B.C.), the most famous king of the second Dynasty of Urnmu, was honoured through many engraved designs and inscriptions and historical, religious and literary manuscripts.King Urnmu was an aficionado of architecture and buildings. His architectural relics include, in addition to the city of Ur, numerous other Sumerian cities, such as Warkaa, Lagash, Nafer and Aridou. Among his most legendary architectural accomplishments is the building of a Ziggurat in the temple of the city of Ur. King Urnmo is considered as the most ancient legislator in the world history, as his constitution drafted in the Sumerian language is the oldest written legislation. There was the discovery of the constitution of the Ashnouna Kingdom, located presently between the provinces of Baghdad and Diyali (Tall Asmar). Tablets were also disclosed, describing all kinds of knowledge, and a law legislating in matters of price-fixing of essential foodstuff and raw materials such as barley, oil, salt, copper, carriage and boat rental, farm workers wages, as well as other rules concerning slave trade, marriage, divorce, lending, debts, adoption, purchase, sale and others. The city of Ur also witnessed the development of the manufacturing of art pieces. -------- -------- -------- The Akkadian people were originally from the Arab peninsula (2350-2159 B.C) and settled in the Mesopotamia. The name of this civilization comes from the city of “Akkad” that was founded and appointed by Sargon (the Akkadian), as the capital to his kingdom. Traces point that "Akkad" is likely to be situated near the city of Baghdad. The Akkadians were influenced by the Sumerian civilization, but they introduced new elements and aspects of civilization in the political, social, artistic and military systems. One of their most famous kings is Sargon (Sharukin, meaning the faithful king) who is considered as the most prominent historical figure in the ancient Near East. After the death of the father, Rimouch and Nachtousou took over power which, later, was transmitted to the grandson, Naram Sin, also regarded as the most eminent and famous king of the dynasty. The historical achievements of his reign arrived to the present generation through cuneiform writing. The reign of Naram Sin (2260-2223 B.C.) was characterized by advancement and hegemony. The history of his reign is recorded in stone sculptures illustrating the king victorious before his enemies, and among others, a sculpture found in the mountains of Qardagh, in the south of Sulaimaniyah, famous for the victory stele immortalizing the military victories of the King against the Lulubiyine. The king is represented carrying a bow and an arrow, wearing a helmet, climbing a high mountain, and his enemies are lying underneath. Thus, Hammurabi established a code of laws which were applied in the various regions under his new reign, and arranged them into a set of legislative texts dealing each with a particular issue. This code is inscribed on his famous stele. During the Babylonian era, the civilization of the Mesopotamia reached its apogee; as the cuneiform writing spread and the Babylonian language became a lingua franca among bordering regions. The empire also beheld a stupendous advance in sciences, knowledge, arts, craftwork. Hence, Babylon became a center of attraction and the capital of the glorious Babylonian Empire. Advances in sciences, such as mathematics, astronomy and others, reached Greece through Syria and Anatolia. Excavations in Tell Hermel and Debaii proved that the ancient Iraqi mathematicians were the first to establish, a thousand years ago, the scientific theories attributed to Pythagoras and Euclid. -------- -------- -------- Historians agreed to name the period between the decline of the third Ur Dynasty, around 1950 B.C., and the end of the first Babylon dynasty in the year 1535 B.C., as the ancient Babylonian era. This era reached its apogee under the Amorite Dynasty, until it became the major city in the ancient history of Iraq. One of the most famous kings of Babylonia is Hammurabi, the Sixth King in the Soumwaben dynasty. After his enthronement in Babylon, he reinforced the foundations of his Kingdom, and focused on the political and military affairs. He managed to establish a prodigious empire, known as the ancient Babylonian Empire. He emphasized on the domestic affairs to lay foundations for the state and to organize its economic, social and legal affairs. He instituted an all-encompassing code of laws that addressed many aspects of the social life in Babylon, aiming at strengthening the rule of law and protecting the weakest. Thus, Hammurabi established a code of laws which were applied in the various regions under his new reign, and arranged them into a set of legislative texts dealing each with a particular issue. This code is inscribed on his famous stele. During the Babylonian era, the civilization of the Mesopotamia reached its apogee; as the cuneiform writing spread and the Babylonian language became a lingua franca among bordering regions. The empire also beheld a stupendous advance in sciences, knowledge, arts, craftwork. Hence, Babylon became a center of attraction and the capital of the glorious Babylonian Empire. Advances in sciences, such as mathematics, astronomy and others, reached Greece through Syria and Anatolia. Excavations in Tell Hermel and Debaii proved that the ancient Iraqi mathematicians were the first to establish, a thousand years ago, the scientific theories attributed to Pythagoras and Euclid. -------- -------- -------- The Assyrian people settled in the northern part of Iraq, as early as the third millennium B.C. Since then, the region was known as the land of Assyria, through the cuneiform writing. This name is attributed to Achour, the empire’s first capital. The Assyrian empire was at the top of glory as far as army and architecture are concerned. This era was also characterized by the reinforcement of the kingdom and protection of frontiers from any annexations, that were rebuffed from the east and west. This civilization became the first power in the ancient Near East, during the 8th and 7th century B.C. --------

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