Bus rides make me think weird shit... |
staring out the window of a bus at the paper machines lined up in a row.the ink tells what is going on ...but they don't know what i knowthe truth is etched upon my heart, wrenching in my gut and echo... Posted by on Sun, 25 Dec 2005 00:14:00 GMT |
Grab a rope...tighten a sail !!! |
Sail Boats are different.
... So I spent the day on Lake Travis sailing.
The floor is still moving like I'm on the boat...
It takes all of your attention and all of your strength to
guide ... Posted by on Sun, 22 Jun 2008 21:18:00 GMT |
"New Year Resolution" |
So this "New Year Resolution" stuff
is usually promises that I make for
someone else"s happiness.
Don't ask me why because the
reasons vary and are strictly based
on putting others I l... Posted by on Tue, 08 Jan 2008 19:58:00 GMT |
Funeral Dress |
On a rack in a store for a discount priceBut the color's been changed to a black from whiteThough the difference will prob'ly be lost on meAnywaysAnd don't worry if laughter is on your lipsC... Posted by on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 12:29:00 GMT |
Wake up! Freak out! |
WTF! I guess it was about a week ago a strange bird decided to live in my chimney. I guess around the same time, for whatever reason, I decide to start falling asleep on the couch watching movies a fe... Posted by on Thu, 11 May 2006 05:50:00 GMT |
tequila apples and crackheads!!!! |
well for once in my life it was not my fault...My friend...toooo much tequila .... decides to urinate in public!!! so unlike her tooo!!! funny stuff!!!I tried to reason with her but once again too muc... Posted by on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 09:50:00 GMT |
Lyrics for "So To Speak" Back behind the iron bellStrangers come to scratch their namesNear a crease in the ceilingAutumn fades them in a spellSands them downBut don't you want to meet them halfway?C... Posted by on Sat, 24 Dec 2005 09:45:00 GMT |
MOONROCK MOUNTAIN Dege LeggThe days are wound on a copper coilThrough the spool of the shadeThey burn to the ground as the TV turns gray.As silouettes of silent souls on a chainParade through the hous... Posted by on Mon, 05 Dec 2005 11:15:00 GMT |