What is life really all about? When it is all said and done, what really matters? Thought provoking questions. What doth it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world and lose his own soul? Or what shall a man give in exchange for His soul? Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the Earth where moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves break in and steal but lay up for yourselves treasures in Heaven where neither moth and rust doth corrupt and where thieves do not break through and steal. For, it says in the Word of God, where your treasure is there will be your heart also. What and who is our Treasure? Let us all examine our hearts and make sure that we have the right Treasure.
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Jesus Christ is who I desire to see face to face. I look forward to that day when I shall truly behold Him - the one who died for me, the one who rose again, the one who maketh intercession for me. He is My Saviour. He is My Lord. He is My All in All. Jesus Christ can be your Saviour. He can be your Lord. He can be your All in All as well.
ESUS IS: Lord God Almighty, Omnipotent King, Lion of Judah, Rock of Ages, Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Lord of Lords, Provider, Protector, Paternal Leader, Ruling Lord and Reigning King of all the universe. He is Father, Helper, Guardian and God. He is the First and Last, the Beginning and the End. He is the keeper of Creation and the Creator of all He keeps. The Architect of the universe and the Manager of all times. He always was, is, and will be: Unmoved, Unchanged, Undefeated, and never Undone. He was bruised and brought healing. He was pierced and eased pain. He was persecuted and brought freedom. He was dead and brought life. He is risen and brings power. He reigns and brings Peace. The world can't understand Him, the armies can't defeat Him, the schools can't explain Him, and the leaders can't ignore Him. Herod couldn't kill Him, the Pharisees couldn't confuse Him, the people couldn't hold Him! Nero couldn't crush Him. Hitler couldn't silence Him, the New Age can't replace Him and Ted Turner can't explain Him away! He is light, love, longevity, and Lord. He is goodness, kindness, gentleness, and God. He is Holy, Righteous, mighty, powerful, and pure. His ways are right, His Word is eternal, His will is unchanging, and His mind is on me! His is my redeemer, He is my Savior, He is my guide, He is my peace, He is my Joy, He is my comfort, He is my Lord and He rules my life. I serve Him because His bond is love, His burden is light, and His goal for me is abundant life. I follow Him because He is the wisdom of the wise, the power of the powerful, the ancient of days, the ruler of rulers, the leader of leaders, the overseer of the over-comers, and the sovereign Lord of all that was, is and is to come. And if that seems impressive to you, try this for size. His goal is a relationship with ME! He will never leave me, forsake me, mislead me, forget me, overlook me, and never cancel my appointment in His appointment book! When I fall, He lifts me up. When I fail, He forgives me. When I am weak, He is strong. When I am lost, He is The Way. When I am afraid, He is my courage. When I stumble, He steadies me. When I am hurt, He heals me. When I am broken, He mends me. When I am blind, He leads me. When I am hungry, He feeds me. When I face trials, He is with me. When I face persecution, He stills me. When I face problems, He comforts me. When I face loss, He provides for me. When I face Death, He carries me Home! He is everything for everybody, everywhere, every time, and in every way. He is God, He is faithful, I am His, and He is mine. My Father in Heaven can whip the father of this world, and so, if you're wondering why I feel so secure, understand this: He said it, and that settles it. God is in control, I am on His side, and that means all is well with my soul.
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Jesus Christ is the Greatest Intercessor. He intercedes for you and for me. Romans 8:34 Who is he that condemneth? It is Christ that died, yea rather, that is risen again, who is even at the right hand of God, who also maketh intercession for us. Hebrews 7:25 Wherefore he is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever liveth to make intercession for them.
"Master Of The Wind" By Candy Christmas
God has used this song to minister to me through the storms of life that I have personally encountered. Believe me, there have been many. It was only Jesus who brought me through each and every one of them. He continues and will continue to bring me through each and every storm that I face. I do not have what it takes in myself. I must utterly depend on him. I pray that God will use this song to encourage you in your personal walk with the Lord. Oh, that you may know, too, that Jesus is truly your Master of the Wind as well. He knows right where you are. He is there right now, right this very minute, and He cares. He knows all about it. He knows what is going on. He is very well aware of all that is going on. He loves you with an everlasting love. Keep your eyes upon Jesus. He will not fail you. He will bring you through for he is your Master- the Master of the Wind.
1. My boat of life sails on a troubled sea Whenever there's a wind in my sail. But I have a friend who watches over me When the breeze turns into a gale.I know the Master of the wind. I know the Maker of the rain. He can calm a storm, make the sun shine again. I know the Master of the wind.2. Sometimes I soar like an eagle through the sky Above the peaks my soul can be found. An unexpected storm may drive me from the heights Brings me low, but never brings me down.Tag: He can calm a storm, make the sun shine again I know the Master of the wind.