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About Me

Its a me, Mike! Remember, from that one party? I live in Buffalo, NY, USA, North America, Earth, Miky Way. I have a pet bunny named Robot. I like to do the arts and the musics. Music is great because playing means working. Art is great because it is the noise a seal makes.


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

i'd like to meat lots of people. Aliens, ghosts, zombies, mermaids, Hannah Montana, El Chupacabra, unicorns, Bigfoot, leprechauns, Furbies, Ronald McDonald, Mary Poppins, Chuck E. Cheese, Strongbad, Robocop, Captain Ahab, Agent Chet Desmond, Chef Boyardee, Pennywise the Clown, Mr. Belvedere, the Cloverfield Monster, Cap'n Crunch, Dracula, Koolaid Man, the last unicorn, the Jolly Green Giant, the Real Ghostbusters.

My Blog

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