Briana profile picture


*nEveR* wilL th!s P@gE *eVeR* bE {PRIvAtE}!!....whY?! CuZ i LovE tHe AtTenTiOn =) AdMirE My SwAGg...

About Me

but u have no ideaNICKNAMES: Brii, Breezie, YANN YANN
I abuse the color PINK!
I *HEART* hello kitty...she's the shit!!
I work @Hollister
I have OCD when it comes toshopping
My SIDEKICK is glued to my
I play Volleyball
My Major is Political Science
I can be EXTREMELY random
My mom is my other employer and my job is to be her daughter...IT PAYS WELL!!
Guys r always AMAZED that I dont have a boyfriend
IM A BIG FUCKIN DEAL...Get wit it!!!
Oh yea...Dooney & Bourke are my other two best friends
I *heart* WORKING OUT and i really *heart* the results

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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Condoleezza Rice ...Im a political science major..duhhh. Im not up here to meet corny!! Im here to keep in touch with those I already know.

My Blog

ThIs iS sOoOoO dEeP!!!

White women's opinion of black women & a brother's response Please take a moment and read this. Pretty Deep! Thumbs up to this black man.. Enjoy. It seems that an article was written to Sister 2 S...
Posted by Briana on Sat, 17 Dec 2005 11:27:00 PST