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About Me

live365.com/stations/sfpunk77 plays the music that we heard in the late seventies to early eighties in San Francisco at Mabuhay Gardens, Savoy Tivoli, 1839 Geary (aka Temple), Valencia Tool and Die, The Deaf Club, Berkeley Square, Turk St, I-Beam and other venues.

We started the station as a way to help educate the world about this energetic moment in the history of music. The music was diverse and complex. Synth punk, Art punk, New Wave, Anti Punk, Rap Punk, Post Punk (and other forms that cannot fit any simple terminology) all came together. the cacophonous played along side the melodious. There was a freedom to explore all urges of musical expression.

We play as much of the music as we can find as well as music that obviously has been influenced by early San Francisco punk .

Units, Avengers, Tuxedomoon, Crime, Sleepers, Flipper, Mutants, Symptoms, Dead Kennedys, SVT, Frightwig, Pink Section, Los Microwaves, Negative Trend, Nuns, Dils, Minimal Man, Z'ev, Snakefinger, BOB, Readymades, BITE, Jars, Offs, No Sisters, Contractions, No Alternative, Eye Protection, Frank Hymng, Der Love Nuts, Maggots, Matchheads, Las Ramonas, Noh Mercy, Los Olvidados, Psycotic Pineapple, Roy Loney, Romeo Void, Toiling Midgets, Voice Farm, VKTMs, Zeros, Wasp Women, Brittley Black and the Next, U.X.A., Altarboys, Seizure, Punts, Pop-O-Pies, Our Daughters Wedding, MX-80, Leila and the Snakes to name a few

send message to ask how to submit your songs for airplay

or email us: punk@sfpunk77.com

website: sfpunk.com

listen as it evolves: live365.com/stations/sfpunk77

My Blog

Charley Hagan Playlist now playing

From Charley Hagan the infamous SF and China bass player we have:Minimal Man Show TimeLos Microwaves Life After BreakfastFrank Hymng Japanese JobPsycotic Pineapple I wanna wanna wanna wanna wanna get ...
Posted by on Sat, 18 Oct 2008 11:51:00 GMT