About Me
well, I am into man love, big bears are my fav but also hot asian twinks do something for me too. oh and I love pit sniffing. If it where a olimpic sport I would have a closet full of gold!also known Superhuman Powers: I possess the mental ability to control ambient heat energy and the physical ability to envelop my entire body or portions of my body with fiery plasma without harm to myself. (Plasma is a super-heated stated of matter such as exists in the atmosphere of stars.)Ordinarily, when aflame, I am enveloped by a low intensity flame of low level plasma (reddish, approximately 780 Fahrenheit), which ranges from 1 to 5 inches from my body. I can, however, generate much higher levels and flames about myself. I refer to my highest, hottest levels of plasma that I can create as ny "nova flame." The exact temperatures that my "nova flame" can attain are not known.At an average rate of expenditure of energy, I can stay aflame for about 16.8 hours. In my younger days, I could only maintain my flame for much briefer periods, and sometimes exhausted it while in combat. I cannot maintain his "nova flame" for as long a time as he can maintain his ordinary flame. The Torch can release all of his body's stored energy in one intense, omni-directional "nova-burst," which can reach about 1,000,000 F, and which is similar to the heat-pulse of a nuclear warhead detonation, with an are of total devastation of about 900 feet in diameter. (The Torch has claimed that he can destroy a small moon with his nova-burst.) This violent discharge uses his entire reserve of energy (except for the necessary to keep him alive) at once, entirely exhausting his flame power. He generally requires at least 12 hours to recover entirely from such a feat.
I can generate shapes composed of fire from any point on my body. (I usually employ my hands to "sculpt" the flames.) I can form fire into long streams, spheres, or even more complex shapes like letters in skywriting. These flames-objects will only remain their shapes as long as he concentrates upon them. The objects will only burn about 3 minutes before expiring unless I continue to infuse them with energy. The temperature of these fiery projections is generally around 2,800 F (near the melting point of iron).