Commander Keen profile picture

Commander Keen

Kiss ass while you bitch so you can get rich, but your boss gets richer off you.

About Me

And I don't need your shit
Thats the short version.
I work too hard for how little money I make. I have a bizarre sense of humor. I want to start painting again. Fuck it, I want to start doing any sort of art again. Sadly, I have to pay the bills first.
I've been told...repeatedly...that I'm kind of an asshole, and an angry guy. It definitely rings true, but I think it's mainly due to frustration with being the hard working, lower middle class type of guy. Theres nothing inherently wrong with that, and I definitely respect the man that will go bust his ass doing an honest days work. Fact of the matter is, we're the backbone of society, and we're the ones that get the screws put to us the most.
I'm sure something I say will piss you off. Basically, I don't care. Come by often, as I'm bound to piss you off again.
My house is falling apart, and unending rotten luck has landed me in a rather desparate financial situation. If you care to help, here's a Paypal button, hah.
Fight Censorship. The "attacks on our freedom" are inside jobs.

My Interests

Comics, DIY shenanigans, indie music and movies, suporting the local guys and giving corporations the finger. Atheism, Vegetarianism, and living life free from a chemical induced haze.

I'd like to meet:

Stan Lee so I can thank him for making life worth living, and Bruce Campbell, so I can thank him for...actually, also thank him for making life worth living.


Mallrats and Clerks, above all. Pi, Basquiat, the first Matrix movie, Go, Swingers. Films that aren't mindless action movies.Except for Snakes on a Plane. That was the best movie I've ever seen in my entire life.


is a waste of time.


I'm in the midst of a few. Not much time to read novels, sadly.

My Blog

I don’t want to hear anyone else say I play too many video games.

Mainly because I don't make Myspace pages for my characters.I gotta cull my dorkiness somewhere, but it's far before that line.  Far before even Larping or the dreaded anime con....
Posted by Commander Keen on Wed, 19 Sep 2007 08:40:00 PST

Too much going on.

I've been internetless for a while here, till today, so I haven't been able to update recently.Holy crappin' crap things have been nigh overwhelming lately.  I really don't even know where to sta...
Posted by Commander Keen on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 11:47:00 PST

Christ on a crutch

I need this shirt.Someone buy it for me.  Please.  I am broke....
Posted by Commander Keen on Fri, 24 Aug 2007 09:19:00 PST

As of late:

Birthday was low key.  Nice and quiet, just like I wanted.  My sistar got me a new lizard, and he is adorable.  He's about as big as my thumb.  Sadly though, my other bearded drago...
Posted by Commander Keen on Wed, 15 Aug 2007 11:25:00 PST

UPS online application questionaire

..> 1. Forgery of certificates, false marking of aircraft, and other aircraft registration violations (49 U.S.C. 46306) Yes No   2. Interference with air navig...
Posted by Commander Keen on Thu, 09 Aug 2007 09:14:00 PST

Seriously, what the fuck happened here?

It's 7:00 AM and I'm wide awake, mainly because I slept most of today due to apparent exhaustion, so my schedule is all fucked up now, and I'll start falling asleep at random times now, like say 3:13 ...
Posted by Commander Keen on Sun, 05 Aug 2007 04:36:00 PST

Myspace is fucking hilarious.

Seriously.  Where else can you find such comedy gold?I hate giving this little shit the advertisement, but hot damn I got some laughs out of his page....
Posted by Commander Keen on Mon, 30 Jul 2007 01:43:00 PST

Back when MTV only kinda sucked, instead of completely.

One of the best damn bands ever.  Clip is from 120 Minutes. And of course, I was flat fucking broke when this finally showed up on eBay.  Dammit....
Posted by Commander Keen on Fri, 13 Jul 2007 12:04:00 PST

Overcompensating = Great

Seriously.  This shit is great on a daily basis....
Posted by Commander Keen on Mon, 09 Jul 2007 01:09:00 PST

Rodney understands.

Posted by Commander Keen on Mon, 02 Jul 2007 07:30:00 PST